Monday, June 12, 2023

Review: Dark Tide

Dark Tide Dark Tide by Sean Rodman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Sean Rodman for the opportunity to review your book. This was an enjoyable read. It was short and fun. I did wish it was longer and we could have seen more about what happened. It was full of suspense. Kai is a 17 year old who goes on an trip with his stepfather, Rick, to Blind Bay, when he encounters a monster chasing him. He doesn’t have a good relationship with Rick because he is afraid that he would lose his mother. I feel like Kai is a very relatable character. The fear of losing something gets to us all, and his character started opening up when we let that fear go. Rick is Kai’s stepfather and a research scientist who had to go to Blind Bay to retrieve a broken Rover. I feel like Rick’s approach toward his stepson changes after Kai was chased by the monster. We see their relationship grow and that was the best part of the story. Seeing both of them open up and express what they feel. I hope to read more Sean Rodman books. I also hope that he writes another book to see what happens to the characters and the story. Overall, a great read.

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