Saturday, September 2, 2023

Review: Gone for You

Gone for You Gone for You by Jayne Frost
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.75

This was an enjoyable read. This was the first book of the Sixth Street Bands series. In this book, we get to read about the romance between Cameron Knight (a rock star), and Lily Tennyson (a student). The story was told from the perspective of Cameron, and I enjoyed it a lot. It was a sweet and fast read. I just wished the story was longer, and I thought it would have been nice to have Lily's perspective in the story. The characters were great. Cameron Knight and Lily Tennyson had great chemistry, and I really enjoyed their romance. Cameron Knight was the guitarist for the rock band, Caged. He was the one-night stand type of guy, where you do not have to get too involved with each other and have a no-strings-attached relationship. Lily changed him from being a player to being a guy who deserved all the love that Lily gave him. Lily Tennyson was a student who worked two jobs to keep her afloat. I really liked Lily. Her character is relatable. I think everyone has had moments when they need to work hard and more to make sure that they stay afloat and are able to pay the bills while going to school. I thought the ending was cute. I am looking forward to seeing where this series goes. I cannot wait to read book 2. Fall with Me, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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