Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: Kissing Tolstoy

Kissing Tolstoy Kissing Tolstoy by Penny Reid
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This was a student-teacher relationship story, but it was not as engaging as some of the other student-teacher books that I have read. I thought the story was a bit boring, and I had to put it down. I thought the main characters were okay. I did not love or dislike them. I thought that the hero, Luca, was a bit annoying. I wish he knew what he wanted instead of pushing her away. The heroine, Anna, was a bit naive as well, and that also annoyed me. I thought that they could have been better development of the characters to make the story stand out. The ending was good, but abrupt in my opinion. I wish it was longer and showed more of their happily ever after. It would have been nice to see. I will look forward to reading more books from this author. Overall, an okay read.

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