Thursday, August 10, 2023

Review: Airlock

Airlock Airlock by Tash McAdam
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

Actual Rating: 2.5

I received an advanced review copy for free from Edelweiss, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Tash McAdam for the opportunity to read your book. This was an alright read. I have to say that the concept was very intriguing, but the story did not live up to my expectations. In this book, Brick, a young thief, is terrified of outer space, but they are forced to escape Earth when there is a warrant for Brick's arrest. Brick goes on a cargo ship, and allows a young person, Amar. While they are on the cargo ship, Pirates take over the ship and puts the crew in the Airlock. Brick and Amar try to free the crew. Will they succeed? I thought that the story was good, but there could have been longer. I thought that there could have been more action scenes. I feel like if the story was longer, there is more opportunities for the story to grow. Also, I wish we could have had more of a backstory for Brick and Amar. I thought they were okay characters. I did not love them, but I did not dislike them. I thought the ending was short and abrupt. I will try to read more Orca Soundings books. Overall, an okay read.

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