Thursday, August 10, 2023

Review: Racing Hearts

Racing Hearts Racing Hearts by Melinda Anne Di Lorenzo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

I received an advance review copy for free from Edelweiss, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Melinda Anne Di Lorenzo for the opportunity to read your book. This book contains some disturbing themes such as suicide. This was an enjoyable read. In this book, Sienna signs up to do a triathlon and finds a connection with an unexpected training partner. This was a romance that explores the themes of body positivity, love, grief, perseverance, and trusting in yourself. I thought Sienna and Blake were great characters. Sienna was struggling to find her place in life because she lost her best friend. She finds inspiration after the popular jock, Blake starts training her for the triathlon. I thought Blake was sweet and considerate. I really liked their interaction and connection. He truly is a great character. I thought the ending was sweet. I wish the story was longer. I was there was more about their relationship. I think it would be really cute and nice to see how their relationship progressed. I am looking forward to reading more Orca Soundings books and also more Melinda Anne Di Lorenzo. Overall, a great read.

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