Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Review: Double Shot Death

Double Shot Death Double Shot Death by Emmeline Duncan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the second book of A Ground Rules Mystery series. It is a cozy mystery that takes place in Portland, Oregon. In this story, Sage now co-owns a second coffee cart that is to be used for big events such as music festivals such as the annual Campathon music festival. However, things start to go wrong when the manager of a popular band is found dead near her tent with one of the custom coffee cups from her cart. I thought the story was great. The plot was interesting. I thought that the characters were great. I thought Sage was a great main character. I thought she was smart, witty, and unique. I enjoyed the mystery and suspense. I am glad that I finally got to read this book. I cannot wait for book 3 and more Emmeline Duncan books. Flat White Fatality, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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