Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Review: Soul Lanterns

Soul Lanterns Soul Lanterns by Shaw Kuzki
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. I usually am not a fan of historical fiction, but there are some books that catch my attention. This is one of those books. In this story, we meet three middle grade friends: Kozo, Nozomi, and Shun and their exploration of the events of August 6th, 1945. This book gave a glimpse of stories about grief, loss, and helping others when they need it the most. I really loved the lantern floating ceremony that started in 1947 or 1948 as a way to remember the people who lost their lives during the atomic bomb or died in the war. I thought the stories were moving, and the fact the students of the art club decided to display Hiroshima: Then and Now artwork based on the story they were told was inspiring. I could envision the artwork in my mind when the narrator described the pieces displayed at the culture festival. I thought the ending was beautiful. It was as if the characters were saying goodbye for now…know that we are not going to forgot you in our hearts and minds to their loved ones they lost as they did a small lantern floating ceremony. I cannot wait to read more books by Shaw Kuzki. I hope she translates more of her stories. She writes beautiful stories. Overall, an amazing read.

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