Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Review: The Ghost and the Graveyard

The Ghost and the Graveyard The Ghost and the Graveyard by Genevieve Jack
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was an enjoyable read. This was the first book of the Knight Games series. In this book, we meet a nurse, Grateful Knight, who secured a rent-free house on the cemetery's edge. While living at the house, she is attracted to Rick, the caretaker, and Logan, a ghost. Also, she finds out that she is not an ordinary person, no, in fact, she is apparently a witch. I thought the story was slow initially then picked up as the story progressed. I thought Grateful was an interesting character. She is a nurse, but I did find her character a bit naive. Also, like Grateful and many other readers, I am torn between Rick and Logan. For me, Logan has an advantage. I thought he was sweet. However, Rick has this mysterious charisma about him, so I was intrigued. I thought the ending was great. I cannot wait to read more books in the Knight Games series. Overall, a great read.

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