Monday, October 16, 2023

Review: Nightmare Hunter; The Cursed

Nightmare Hunter; The Cursed Nightmare Hunter; The Cursed by Averi Hope
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is the first book of the Alternate Future series. In this book, we meet Erin, a girl who wants to live a normal life away from her father, and she enters the StarFire Academy to achieve her dreams. I thought the story was good. I did feel like with more development, the story could have been more engaging and interesting. The characters were good characters. I did find Erin a bit naive, but I did see potential in her character. I did like Caleb a bit more than Erin. He was also another good character. I found him protective, and dominant. He saved Erin a lot. I thought the ending was okay. I need to know what happens. I will probably continue the series to see what happens. Overall, an okay read.

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