Sunday, November 19, 2023

Review: Forests, Fishing & Forgery

Forests, Fishing & Forgery Forests, Fishing & Forgery by Tonya Kappes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is the third book of the Campers & Criminals series. It is a cozy mystery that takes place in Normal, Kentucky. In this story, Happy Trails Campgrounds is fully booked for Labor Day weekend despite a drought that threatens to cause local businesses to close. As this is going on, Happy Trails Campgrounds is at the center of a murder investigation, where the locals and campers are considered suspects. Mae West must follow the clues in order to find the campground murderer. I thought the story was good and quick. I enjoyed Mae a bit more in this story, but she did come off as a bit of a naive, and self-centered person at times. I think her character development still needs improvement. I am hoping that as the series goes on, I can build more of a connection with her. I thought the ending was good. I will continue the series. I am wondering what Book 4 has in store for me. Overall, an okay read.

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