Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Review: Proposals and Poison

Proposals and Poison Proposals and Poison by Rachelle J. Christensen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the third and final book of the Wedding Planner Mysteries series. In this book, Adrielle Pyper, a wedding planner in the town of Sun Valley, Idaho, is back home, and planning a few weddings. However, when one of the brides gets murdered, it is up to Adrielle to solve the case. I thought the story was great. It was a great edition to my cozy mystery collection. I thought Adrielle was a great character. She was really interesting and relatable. I hope that I can see her character grows even more in the other books in the series. I thought the mystery was great. It kept the story more interesting. I thought the fact that I didn’t know who did it until nearing the last few chapters added to the mystery. I kept trying to figure it out, but then another twist came. I cannot wait to more books. Overall, a great read.

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