Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Devil's Smile (Sin Students #1) by Jennie Blake

Blurb from Goodreads:

She opened the door slowly, almost hesitantly, hopeful that he'd be alone. If he wasn't then she would have to come up with another excuse and go back to whatever it was she did when she wasn't in lessons or with him. She had some time to kill, and she knew exactly how she wanted to do it.

He was alone, and she smiled, more to herself than to him because his back was to her. The office wasn't particularly large; it was shared by him and four others, so desks were placed in whatever space they could fit in, his being right next to the door. He didn't turn around when the door opened, because he was fairly positive of whom it was going to be - she always opened the door like that. That, and he liked playing that he wasn't into it. At first he did anyway, but soon his will power would wear out. He'd discovered long ago that his will was pretty weak.

She closed the door behind her, twisting the lock. Of course, it wouldn't stop any of the several people who had a key if they wished to get in, but the noise of the door being unlocked would give the two of them time to pull away and act like nothing was going on. The door locked with the two of them inside? Surely, it must be faulty, must have locked somehow when the door was pulled to. Why not?

She stood behind his chair, not saying a word. Instead she put her bag on the floor and took off her jacket. The sound of her movements was stirring something within him, and it took a considerable amount of effort not to turn around.

"Another free period?" He asked casually, trying to concentrate on the assignment he was marking, to little avail.

"You know I have." She replied, her voice soft and laced with the typical tease that he had come to love so much.

She was right; he knew full well that she didn't have anywhere to be. He had her sixth-form timetable memorised in some corner of his mind, so that wherever he might be in the building, he always knew where she was as well. He'd told her to come down to the office every time she had nowhere to be, so that they could spend as much time together as possible. Although in all honesty, the times where he had a free period at the same time she did were few and far between. Twice a week. And between his duties as a teacher and hers as a senior student, they often couldn't get more than a few minutes together at most.

"How long do you have?" He asked her, putting his pen down.

"As long as you want."

The Devil's Smile: A Forbidden Teacher Student Romance (Sin Students Book 1)The Devil's Smile: A Forbidden Teacher Student Romance by Jennie Blake
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This was a student-teacher relationship story, but it was not as engaging as some of the other student-teacher books that I have read. I thought the story was a bit boring, and I had to put it down. I thought the main characters were okay. I did not love or dislike them. I thought that the hero was a bit of a jerk at times, and it really annoyed me. The heroine was a bit naive as well, and that also annoyed me. I thought that they could have been better development of the characters to make the story stand out. The ending was a bit abrupt in my opinion. Overall, an okay read.

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