Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: Courses in Chemistry: The Halls of Hillview

Courses in Chemistry: The Halls of Hillview Courses in Chemistry: The Halls of Hillview by Allie Scott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. The story is a student-teacher romance. The story is a romance between Annabelle, the student, and Gavin, the teacher’s assistant. I thought the story was quite boring. It was not like most of the student-teacher books that I have read. The characters were good. I liked them, but I wished the story could have been longer so that I got to see what happened between the last two chapters. Annabelle is a student who one night gets drunk and sends a drunk email to Gavin, the TA for her chemistry class. From that, we see the romance blossom. Gavin was an alright character. I thought his character needed more development. However, their chemistry together was good. The ending seemed a bit rushed. I wanted more content on what happened, and their happily ever after. Overall, an okay read.

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