Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: Crazy House

Crazy House Crazy House by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book of the Crazy House series. I really enjoyed it. It is the first James Patterson book that deals with this dystopian, sci-fi YA genre. I thought the plot was interesting. In this book, twins Rebecca “Becca” Greenfield and Cassandra “Cassie” Greenfield live in a world where people known as “Outsiders” are taken to prison called the Crazy House. In the Crazy House, the prisons are tested on and based on how they test, they will be treated a certain way. So they could get special treatment, have to fight in a ring, or get executed. I was enjoying every second of this read. I really liked the characters. Becca and Cassie may be complete opposites of each other, but the love and bond between twins is undeniable. Becca is more of the rebellious one. The one who breaks the rules, while Cassie is the studious rule follower. I loved how the other prisoners befriended Becca and became her new “family.” I really liked Vijay, Diego, Robin and Merry. I thought the ending was great, but now I am curious to see what happens next. I can’t wait to read The Fall of Crazy House. Overall, a great read.

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