Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: Ivan

Ivan Ivan by Sophie Lark
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This is book one of the Underworld series. The story revolves around the romance between an assassin and a mafia leader. Sloane is an assassin who was offered a job to kill a huge mafia leader. She takes the job because she needs the money. She is witty and without being detected is able to infiltrate his house. When she enters his room, she is caught by the mafia leader, Ivan. He holds her prisoner and then in turn they both fall in love. I thought the story was good at some parts and boring at others. I thought the characters were okay. I did not love them nor dislike them. I just thought they were okay and lacked in development. I wish it was longer to develop the characters more. I thought the final 25% of the book was the best. I thought the ending was good. I will continue with the series. Overall, an okay read.

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