Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: Life Model

Life Model Life Model by Cassie Mint
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is book 3 of the Teacher's Pet series. This story follows the romance between the art professor, Mason Reeves and the art student, Leona. Leona is an art student and is in love with Mason. She becomes a life model for one of the classes that Mason attends and the attraction grows. I would say that Leona is smart, snarky yet beautiful. Mason Reeves is trying to keep his feelings at bay. He is possessive, smart, and sexy. I thought their romance although it is an insta-love story was great. I thought the story was great, and interesting. I am curious how the rest of the series will turn out. Next up is the story of Charlotte and her love story. The Dean, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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