Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: NYPD Red

NYPD Red NYPD Red by Marshall Karp
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book of James Patterson’s NYPD Red Series. I really enjoyed this book. There was crime, mystery and murder. I thought that this was great because of the characters Zachary and Kylie. Also, the fact that the criminals were able to film the murders in a non-tradition way was very interesting and I am enjoying the series. This is like a non-forensic version of Bones because of the way Zachary and Kylie banter with each other. It kind of reminds me of Booth and Brennan whenever they banter with each other. I really enjoyed the bantering as it brought a bit of comedic relief to the story. The ending was great. I can’t wait to see what Book 2 brings. Overall, a great read.

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