Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: Making Faces

Making Faces Making Faces by Amy Harmon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing read. I have heard many great things about this book, but never got time to read it until now. Also, this book deals with many things: friendship, abuse, and love. It also deals with trust. It was a powerful and emotional read. I really loved the characters and the story. I loved Fern, Bailey and Ambrose. Fern Taylor is so relatable to me because I often feel like I am not noticed. She is compassionate, witty and smart. I love how deeply she loves people no matter what. This rings true when Ambrose came back from Iraq after the bombing. Bailey was my hero. He was diagnosed with Dushenne Muscular Dystrophy, and never let the disease stop him from living life. Yes, he was in a wheelchair and yes, he had to have people do things for him. However, his light and sense of humour brought warmth to my heart. He achieved a lot of things and I really couldn’t believe how his story ended. Ambrose was another favourite. He had everything he wanted—looks, popularity, friends, and wrestling. However, he, then, enlists to join the Army and asks his friends to join. He survives and they die, but in his heartbreak, I got to see the vulnerable side of Ambrose. The guy who doubts he can love because of his guilt and brokenness. It was Fern who put hope back in his heart. Also, she made him live again. It was beautiful to see. This book demonstrates that beauty is more than skin deep, it transcends physical beauty and enables the beauty from within to bloom. I also am a big fan of Amy Harmon's and her books always seem to impress me. I loved every minute of the story. I can't wait to read the other books that Amy Harmon have written. Overall, an incredible read.

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