Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Review: The Path To A Purposeful Life: 30 Morning And Evening Devotions to Rekindle Hope, Foster Peace, and Inspire Healing

The Path To A Purposeful Life: 30 Morning And Evening Devotions to Rekindle Hope, Foster Peace, and Inspire Healing The Path To A Purposeful Life: 30 Morning And Evening Devotions to Rekindle Hope, Foster Peace, and Inspire Healing by Grace Carpenter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Grace Carpenter for the opportunity to read your book. This was an incredible read. This 30 day/night devotional provided believers of Christ an opportunity to find the path for a purposeful life. This book taught me how to live more for the Christ and less for myself. Also, I believe that this is an amazing book to read for new Christians as well. It teaches them how to wait on the Lord and to rely on His faithfulness when you have fear or feel burnout. God is always there with us, and it is exciting to see how this book will change many people’s lives as it has done for me. I loved that there were a morning and evening devotional so that I can read them for the day. Overall, an amazing read.

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