Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Review: The Fury

The Fury The Fury by L.J. Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is the third book of the Vampire Diaries series. In this book, Elena is a vampire now. The story was okay. I did like seeing Damon, Stefan, and Elena work together. In this book, I started to like Elena a bit more than before because she was less self-centered. Also, I liked that Bonnie and Meredith had more scenes in this book. I still feel like Stefan and Elena's story was good. I feel like Damon is still as mysterious as ever. Also, I thought that there could have been more done with the story. It could have been longer to finish the story quicker. Matt is ever a sweet guy who helps out his friends in whatever way he can. I thought the last 25% was the best part of the story. After the ending, I will have to read The Dark Reunion to continue the series and see what happens. I am looking forward to seeing what book 4 brings. I still cannot get over the changes from the TV show and the book. I still prefer the TV show to the book. Overall, an okay read.

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