Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Review: The Struggle

The Struggle The Struggle by L.J. Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is the second book of the Vampire Diaries series. In this book, the story picks up right where The Awakening ends with Stefan missing, and Elena confronting Damon. Also, the story focused more on Elena's missing diary, which has incriminating information about Stefan and his family. I liked that there were more scenes with Damon. I think he was a mysterious character. He has this vibe about him that attracts people to him. Stefan and Elena's story was good in this book as well. I really liked the showdown between Damon and Stefan at the end. I thought the last 25% was the best part of the story. Also, I wish the ending was not a cliffhanger, but I get it. After the ending, I will have to read The Fury to continue the series and see what happens. I am looking forward to seeing what book 3 brings. I still cannot get over the changes from the TV show and the book. I still prefer the TV show to the book. Overall, an okay read.

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