Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Review: Sufficiently Advanced Magic

Sufficiently Advanced Magic Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

Thank you to my brother for recommending this book to me, and for gifting me the book on Audible. This was an incredible read. This is the first book of the Arcane Ascension series. In this story, our protagonist, Corin Cadence is on the search for his older brother, who never returned from his testing at the Serpent Spire. To find him, Corin enters the Serpent Spire, where he is tested with traps, monsters and puzzles to gain attunement that will access him to his first set of magical powers and head off to a magical academy to build on his craft. The story was amazing. The world and the use of magic were fantastic. I thought the characters were fantastic. Corin is smart, yet an introvert. I loved his character because he is resourceful. As the story progresses, more characters are introduced: Sera, Marissa, Patrick and Jin. Sera joined the magic academy with Corin. I loved their relationship. It was full of teasing. It was funny to read. Another interesting character was Jin. He seemed quite mysterious. I cannot wait to get to know more about the characters as the series unfolds. I thought the ending was incredible. I cannot wait to continue the journey with Corin on his quest to find his brother, Tristan. I cannot wait to read book 2. On the Shoulders of Titans, here I come. Overall, an amazing read.

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