Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Review: Twice Shy

Twice Shy Twice Shy by Sarah Hogle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. I enjoyed this book much more than You Deserve Each Other. I thought it was sweet, funny, and well-written. In this book, Maybell inherits her great-aunt Violet's house and she has to share the property with the groundskeeper, Wesley. They have different dreams for what they want to do with the house such as Maybell wants to make it a hotel and Wesley wants to make it an animal sanctuary. The best and funniest part of the book is their competitiveness and their banter with each other. It made the story more funny and engaging. I think the characters were great. Maybell was sweet and funny. Wesley was smart and funny. The two of them together was a great match. The ending was sweet. I am glad that it was a happy ending. I am happy that I read this book. I am ready for more books by Sarah Hogle. Overall, a great read.

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