Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Review: Cupcakes and Conspiracies

Cupcakes and Conspiracies Cupcakes and Conspiracies by Katherine Hayton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is the first book of the Sweet Baked Mysteries series. In this book, Holly Waterston comes back to her hometown of Hanmer Springs with a divorce pending and her career on the line. Her accountant tells her that she has to sell the cupcake bakery owned by her family for three generations. Her sister Crystal works at the bakery, the only place where she ever felt like she had a sense of purpose and belonging. Then, their mortgage holder, Mr. Masters, suffers anaphylactic shock after eating a cupcake with peanuts from their bakery. Crystal is the prime suspect, and Holly has to try and clear her name. I thought the story was good, but it could have been less complicated. Also, I loved the sister dynamic between Crystal and Holly. I would have liked to know more about their childhood and their father. Also, I thought the book could have been longer to expand on the story because I think the ideas could have been better expressed. I thought the ending was good. I am interested to see what else happens in this series. I cannot wait to read book 2. Overall, an okay read.

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