Friday, November 3, 2023

Review: Cursed

Cursed Cursed by Jen Calonita
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. This is the sixth and final book of the Fairy Tale Reform School series. In this book, Rumpelstiltskin is trying to erase Enchantasia from existence. It is up to Gilly and her friends and teachers at the FTRS to stop him from gathering all the ingredients he needs to activate the spell/curse. I thought the characters were amazing and relatable. I loved Gilly. She was an interesting character. I really liked how she was characterized as a person who gave everything to her family. I love how Rumpelstiltskin is the villain again in this story. Also, it is amazing that so many different fairy tales are introduced during the series. I grew up with these fairy tales as I think almost everyone did, but to see how Jen Calonita brought our favourite characters and made a series of them all together. Also when I read this book, I thought of the movie series, Descendants, which is about mischievous villains' kids getting a second chance to be good. I thought the ending was great. I am glad that I found this series. I cannot believe it is over. I know it is for Middle Grade kids, but I have to say this series was fun and enjoyable. I give the series a 4.33/5. It was great to relive the fairy tales I grew up when I was little in a book version of Once Upon A Time TV show, where all the characters live together. Overall, an amazing read.

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