Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Review: Deserts, Driving, & Derelicts

Deserts, Driving, & Derelicts Deserts, Driving, & Derelicts by Tonya Kappes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is the second book of the Campers & Criminals series. It is a cozy mystery that takes place in Normal, Kentucky. In this story, Mae West has settled into her role as owner of the tourist campground, Happy Trails. When a series of burglaries occur in the small town. One of their own is found dead, and Mae’s good friend, Betts Hager, is the prime suspect for the murder. Just when Mae thought she found a place where she belongs, Mae must prove that her friend is innocence of the crime. I thought the story was better, but still could be better. I thought the story was good and quick. I enjoyed Mae a bit more in this story, but she did come off as a bit of a naive, and self-centered person at times. I think her character development still needs improvement. I am hoping that as the series goes on, I can build more of a connection with her. I thought the ending was good. I will continue the series. I am wondering what Book 3 has in store for me. Overall, an okay read.

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