Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Review: Deadly Ride

Deadly Ride Deadly Ride by Jody Holford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the third book in the Britton Bay series. In this book, Sam, Molly’s boyfriend is hosting a Classic Car Crawl in Britton Bay, and Molly is covering the story as a journalist because they are short staffed. When one of the founders of the Classic Car Show is found dead, the investigation of “who-dun-it” begins. I thought this story was great. It was fast-paced and I thought it was great to see more of her relationship with Sam in this book. It made the book more interesting as the story continued. The characters were great. Our heroine, Molly has grown and I thought she was smart, witty, and fun. She has grown on me as the series continued. I cannot wait to her growth in book 4. I am wondering how book four will turn out. I cannot wait. Deadly Drama, here we come. Overall, a great read.

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