Saturday, December 16, 2023

Review: Delivering Evil for Experts

Delivering Evil for Experts Delivering Evil for Experts by Annette Marie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an interesting read. This is the fourth and final book of The Guild Codex: Demonized series. It is part of the urban fantasy series The Guild Codex, but it can be read as a standalone series. In this book, we finally conclude Robin and Zylas’s story. They are trying to uncover the secrets of the Vh’alyir’s Amulet before Claude accomplishes his final play/endgame. I actually really enjoyed this series. I thought it was interesting and refreshing. I liked how the story continued to get better and better. It was an entertaining series for sure. I thought the story was good. I thought the interactions between Robin and Zylas were great. I thought that they were great characters and complemented. This book was much better than the first book. I thought the plot was more creative and interesting. Also, I thought Robin grew as a character, and I thought it was nice to get more of a romance in the story. I thought the ending was intriguing. I wonder how the other series will turn out. Overall, a great read.

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