Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Review: Keeping 13

Keeping 13 Keeping 13 by Chloe Walsh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. Thank you to my best friend, Sharon J, for recommending this book to me. This is the second book of the Boys of Tommen series. This was the continuation from the final chapter of Binding 13 of Johnny and Shannon’s story. I loved the book. This was the perfect way to end Johnny and Shannon’s story. However, I hope to see them more in the next books in the series. This book was so much better than the first book in my opinion. I thought the growth in Johnny and Shannon’s relationship was beautiful. I also loved how he protected her from everything she has been through. I thought they were made for each other, and I loved Johnny’s parents. I loved how Shannon began to open up more. She finally found a person she feels safe with. I am excited for the next book as we get to see Joey and Aoife’s story. I know it is going to be great, and I can’t wait to see what happens in Book 3 - Saving 6. Overall, an amazing read

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