Sunday, January 14, 2024

Review: A Bad Day for Sunshine

A Bad Day for Sunshine A Bad Day for Sunshine by Darynda Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book in the Sunshine Vicram series. It is a cozy mystery thriller in the small village of Del Sol, New Mexico. In this book, Sunshine Vicram returns to her hometown of Del Sol, New Mexico, after being newly elected as sheriff. Her first day at work involves a kidnapping case. Will she be able to find the kidnapper? I thought this was a great story. The writing was fun and witty. I enjoyed the characters as well. I thought Sunshine was a great character. I can't imagine what it would be like to endure being kidnapped. I also thought Levi was another great character. I thought he was interesting and sexy. I did think that their relationship needed more open and honest communication with one another, but I did enjoy it. I thought the ending was great. This was a great way to start a new series. I cannot wait to read book 2. A Good Day for Chardonnay, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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