Saturday, January 27, 2024

Review: Comeback

Comeback Comeback by Lyn Ashwood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received an advance review copy for free from BookSirens, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This was an incredible read. This is the first book of the NEON series. This book includes two things that I love: reading and K-pop. This is my first book that involves K-pop in the storyline, and I thought that it was amazing. I loved that I was able to dive into the world of K-pop in a novel format. Being a K-pop fan since 2009, I thought the story explored the K-pop industry in a new and inviting way. In this book, we meet Emery and Alana. Emery Jung is the hero of this book and a member of the rising K-pop group, NEON. Alana Kim is the heroine of this book and works as a stylist with her cousin, Stephanie Lim. I thought the relationship between Emery and Alana was beautiful. I loved how they went from being friends to lovers. Also, I thought the dual point of view made the story more interesting because we got to see the story from both of their perspectives. I thought that the ending was perfect. I cannot wait to read more books by these writers. Overall, an amazing read.

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