Friday, January 26, 2024

Review: The Stand-In

The Stand-In The Stand-In by Lily Chu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the debut rom-com by Lily Chu. This was a cute, slow burn celebrity romance story. In this book, Gracie Reed is a Chinese-Canadian who looks like famous Chinese actress, Wei Fangli. Fangli proposes an opportunity to Gracie to take the movie star's place temporarily, and attends fancy events, and accompanies Sam Yao, Fangli's boyfriend. I thought this book was fun! I thought Gracie was a great character. She is smart, sweet, and caring. I thought she was courageous for standing in for someone who has fame and wealth. However, I thought the relationship between Gracie and Fangli was the best part of the story. Also, the romance between Sam and Gracie made the story more intriguing. I thought the three of them were great character. They were written in such an authentic and beautiful way, that I felt a connection to all of them. I thought Fangli was another great character. She might be famous, but when I read her character, I thought that she was more than that. She was loving, smart, and beautiful. I loved Sam as well. I thought he was sweet, smart, and sexy. I thought the ending was great. I am looking forward to reading more books by Lily Chu. Overall, a great read.

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