Thursday, January 25, 2024

Review: Heaven Can Wait and Other stories

Heaven Can Wait and Other stories Heaven Can Wait and Other stories by Mahiraj Jadeja
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4.15

I received a copy from Kindle Unlimited as a request for a review.

Thank you Mahiraj Jadeja for the opportunity to read your book. I have watched to read this for a while, I started December of last year, and made it around 34%, but then stopped. Hence, I decided to restart the book again at the beginning of the month. I thought this was a great read about different types of love and life. I think it will be a great read for everyone. It contains eight short stories, and I thought they were all great. I am glad I finally got to read this book. Overall, a great read. Below are my ratings and thoughts on each story!

Heaven Can Wait: 5 stars
This was an incredible read. This is the first short story in the book. Such a beautiful story. After losing her husband, Mary found out she was pregnant, and found out that she could die if she had the child. However, she decides to keep the baby despite knowing the consequences. I thought Mary was brave. She showed her faith and fought to keep the baby alive until she died—an inspiring story about love and sacrifice. Overall, an amazing read.

Instant Crush: 3.75 stars
This was an enjoyable read. This is the second short story in the book. This was a cute, fast read. I am not a fan of instant love/crush stories as much as I love the slow burn. I thought the story was cute. Cowboy meets the new neighbor, and they are instantly attracted to each other. I wished the story was longer. I think Nathan could have been more developed as well. It was a great story about experiencing love at first sight. Overall, a great read.

Two Bodies One Heart: 4 stars
This was an enjoyable read. This is the third short story in the book. I thought this was a sweet story about loving each other despite the struggles that come at us. In this story, Annie and Christian are a married couple, and the wife just lost her job. They are about to lose their home and do not have much to eat. They both get heart attacks at the same time. The owner of their apartment tried to provide other accommodations for them because he felt guilty about their heart attacks. The ending was sweet. I think it shows that true love involves two people who share one heart instead of two people with two hearts because when you love someone, you feel like you are home and that they will understand you more than anything else in the world. Overall, a great read.

An Afflictive Promise: 4 stars
This was an enjoyable read. This is the fourth short story in the book. In this story, Victoria and William are a young couple who test how much they trust and love each other. When one attempt doesn’t go well, they prove their love for each other. They end up happily married and promise to love each other until death. It was a sweet story about commitment and trusting one another. Overall, a great read.

Two Apples: 5 stars
This was an incredible read. This is the fifth short story in the book. In this story, we meet Nanny Ma, her son Adam, and his wife Eve. There are only two apples left to eat, and the mother, Nanny Ma decides to give the apples to her son and daughter-in-law. When night came, and they went to wake her up, they found that she had died. I think this story shows the love of a mother. Mothers will do whatever they need to do to provide for their families. Also, I think this means that God gave us mothers as a gift and that we should cherish them forever. Overall, an amazing read.

Ready and Waiting: 3.5 stars
This was an enjoyable read. This is the sixth short story in the book. In this story, a man is waiting for the person he likes in the garden. However, he starts to panic because she has not written him or come by 8 am. I thought this story was cute but not really my favourite out of the 8 stories. I thought it could have been better if we saw more of an interaction with the girl he was meeting. Overall, a great read.

A Pleasure Trip: 4 stars
This was an enjoyable read. This is the seventh short story in the book. In this story, Jack is into automobiles and long rides to seek pleasure. He was driving and did not see a town or village, so he continued. As he continued his ride, he saw a woman asking for a ride, and he first did not want to give her a lift, but then decided to give her one. I thought that this story was nice. It was an interesting story because of the woman. She was intriguing and mysterious, and it made the story more intriguing as we followed Jack's journey. This story tells me that God makes way when there seems to be no way and that God brings people into our lives for a reason. Overall, a great read.

Wise and Vice: 4 stars
This was an enjoyable read. This is the eighth and final short story in the book. In this story, I thought it was an interesting read because I think it deals with the pressures of choosing to live a Godly life or following the lifestyles of those around you. The fashion contest, in this case, demonstrates society and the expectations we have to follow with those around us. However, not everyone wants to follow what society dictates. I might be wrong, but that is my interpretation of the story. Overall, a great read.

View all my reviews

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