Saturday, January 20, 2024

Review: Spirit Witch

Spirit Witch Spirit Witch by Helen Harper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. Thank you Sharon J for recommending this book to me. This is the third and final book in The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Magic trilogy. I loved every minute of it. I thought this book was better than the first and second book. I love Ivy. She is my type of heroine. She is snarky and badass. I also loved that we got to see to more Rafael Winters. I thought their chemistry in this book. In this book, Ivy and Rafe trying to find a serial killer dubbed as “Blackbeard” for the murder of a complete coven. This man hates witches, and planned the attack. Also, I thought the addition of Ivy being able to see ghosts after the ending of Star Witch was an amazing touch. I loved Brutus in this one again with his “Food” and other words. He is a funny familiar. The ending was amazing. I really hope that there can be more added to this series because I want more adventures of Ivy and Rafe. I think it would be great to see more of their journey. I cannot wait to see what the novella - Sparkle Witch has in store for me. Overall, an amazing read.

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