Thursday, February 1, 2024

Review: Between Realms

Between Realms Between Realms by Yve Vale
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

I received an advance review copy for free from BookSirens, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Yve Vale for the opportunity to read your book. This was an alright read. This is the first book of the Fae Hearted series. It is also a reverse harem story. In this book, we meet Wynstelle, a human living with Fae in Elfhame, working as a servant to her keeper, Meralla. She is summoned to the Ryven Castle, where she meets Oakes, Jordan, and Prince Eldrin. I thought the story was good. I did feel like there could have been more about Wynstelle’s past that could have made the story more engaging. However, I thought it was a good start to a new RH series. I thought Wynstelle was a good character. I am a fan of strong, snarky, and more fierce heroines, so it was interesting to read a character like her. She was more submissive and innocent. I wish I could have had a better connection to her as a character, but I think she lacks some character development. Also, I liked Oakes and Jordan. I needed some time to warm up to Princess Eldrin, but I thought he was another good character. Their relationship was good, but I wished to see more interactions with all four of them together. I thought the ending was okay. I am not a fan of cliffhanger, but I am curious about how the next book will turn out. I am looking forward to continuing book 2 of this series. Overall, an okay read.

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