Monday, April 1, 2024

Review: Forbidden Love: A Shifter Romance

Forbidden Love: A Shifter Romance Forbidden Love: A Shifter Romance by Rhaine Storm
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is a freebie that I received. In this book, Mia Ephraim is a human who falls in love with two shifters. One is a dragon and the other is a wolf, and both are not allowed to fall for humans. I thought the premise was intriguing. However, I did feel like the story was a bit boring and it did not engage me at all. I wish that the story was longer because then we could have explored more of Mia’s relationships with Killian and Sammael. I just found their chemistry with Mia a bit lacking as it moved really fast. I found Mia to be an okay heroine. I did feel like she was naive at times. Also, I did think Killian and Sammael characters could have had better character development. I think if I got to know more about their past, I would have been more connected to the characters. I will definitely still check out more books by Rhaine Storm. I think she has a lot of potential. Overall, an okay read.

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