Friday, June 30, 2023

Review: Tales from the Café

Tales from the Café Tales from the Café by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This was the second book of the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series. In this book, we find four new short stories which include a man wanting to visit an old friend who died in a car crash 22 years ago, a detective wanting to give his wife the birthday gift he was never able to give, a son wanting to see his departed mother one last time, and a dying man wanting to see the girl he could never marry. I thought the book was beautifully written. It shows us stories about redemption, self-reflection, guilt or closure. I am grateful about the lessons that I learned from this book. I am glad to have restarted this book. I can't wait to book 3. Overall, a great read.

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Review: The Shut-In

The Shut-In The Shut-In by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is part of the BookShot series. I enjoyed it. In this book, our lead is housebound because she has an allergy. She uses a drone in order to explore the outside world when she witnesses a murder. I wished the book was great, and engaging. It was a fast read, and it was interesting. I thought it was an excellent addition to James Patterson's book. The format was well-developed and the ending was great. I can’t wait to read more James Patterson books. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Hook: Book One Of The Karmaeleon Trilogy

Hook: Book One Of The Karmaeleon Trilogy Hook: Book One Of The Karmaeleon Trilogy by Stella Knights
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Stella Knights for the opportunity to read your book. This was an alright read. The story revolves around the main character, Rose getting revenge while trying to fall in love. Although the premise was interesting, I did not really feel like it had me on the edge of my seat. I thought the characters were okay. I did like Rose was a good character. However, I would have liked to learn more about her relationship with her family. Also, Nikolai was another good character. I wish I knew more about him as well. The ending was the best part for me. I wonder what will happen next. I think that there is potential in this series. I think if the story was more suspense focus than romance, the story would have really shined. Overall, an okay read.

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

Review: Illicit Ink: A Single Dad, Second Chance Romance

Illicit Ink: A Single Dad, Second Chance Romance Illicit Ink: A Single Dad, Second Chance Romance by Carmen Bishop
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Carmen Bishop for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. The story was about a single dad romance revolving Zander Dorsey and Rose Morino. I thought the story was great. The characters were great. Zander Dorsey is a great character to read. He is a single dad to his daughter, Aara, and he does the best he can for her. To me, he is protective, sexy, and artistic. Rose Morino is another great character to read. She is an owner of the restaurant. To me, she is sassy, smart, and loving. Together, their chemistry was great. I thought that they were a great couple. I am happy that they got their happily ever after. I can’t wait to read the other Dorsey brothers. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Broker of Lies

Broker of Lies Broker of Lies by Steven James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredible read. The story was amazing. It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I loved every minute of this book. I couldn’t put it down once the story progressed. I really loved Travis and Adira. Their chemistry was perfect. Travis is an amazing character. I thought his character was relatable and brave. He was a great character to read. Adira is another amazing character to read. She is my type of heroine. In my eyes, she is feisty and fierce. She is not willing to go down without a fight and those are the types of characters that I love. The mystery and suspense was awesome. What a way to end the book. What a plot twist at the end. I did not see that coming at all. I can’t wait to continue this series, and what happens to the characters next. Overall, an amazing read.

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Review: Don't They Know it's Christmas?

Don't They Know it's Christmas? Don't They Know it's Christmas? by Holly Kerr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Holly Kerr for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. It was a second chance romance. I thought the story was cute. Davis was a great character. She had a lot of responsibilities as an ER doctor, and I thought that she did a great job of managing the ER of the hospital, while organizing the Christmas activities for the children and patients. She was funny, smart, and focused. Ethan was her first love. The one she had to let go of. It was great to see him try and win her back. I thought he was sexy, smart and funny. Their scenes together, although short, they were great. I do wish the story was longer, so we could have more scenes with them together and more of a happier ending. I can’t wait to read more Holly Kerr books. Overall, a great read.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Review: Heart Attack

Heart Attack Heart Attack by Shawn Kittelsen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

I received a copy from Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Shawn Kittelsen for the opportunity to read your book. This was an alright read. I thought the story was good, but I found it to be predictable as well. I think the reason for the 3 star rating is the characters. I thought the characters were okay. I didn’t like them nor dislike them. I just did not find the characters interesting in this story. It might be because I couldn’t relate to them at all, but I thought the characters could have been more developed and more relatable. I thought the ending of the story was okay. I will see how other Shawn Kittelsen books are like. Overall, an okay read.

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Monday, June 19, 2023

Review: Dwell: 90 Days at Home with God

Dwell: 90 Days at Home with God Dwell: 90 Days at Home with God by Sandra Byrd
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Sandra Byrd for the opportunity to read your book. This was an incredible read. It was a 90-day devotional, but I read it in 4 days because they taught me about how to live my life building a personal relationship with God and how to always draw near Him. He is the One who will never leave us nor forsake us. This devotional provides insights in how to live for the Lord and to be blessed by the blessings that God has for you. It teaches you how to overcome and persevere through the things that you go through in life. You can do anything with Christ by your side. You just have to surrender and give all him. As James 4:8 says “Draw near to God, and He will draw near you.” I loved it and I am inspired by the lessons in this book. They motivate me to be better and reach out to the world. Overall, an amazing read.

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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Review: Kill and Tell

Kill and Tell Kill and Tell by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 4.15

This was an enjoyable read. This is part of the BookShot series. I enjoyed it. In this book, a famous Hollywood director, Wayne Tennet has been accused of sex abuse by his 18-year-old stepdaughter, Breelyn. Due to the scandal, his reputation is ruined. He has to go to court to redeem his career and reputation that was tarnished. It was a fast read, and it was interesting. I thought it was a really good addition to James Patterson's book. The format was well-developed and the ending was great. I can’t wait to read more James Patterson books. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Dating Little Miss Perfect: A steamy rivals to lovers romcom with a spark of science!

Dating Little Miss Perfect: A steamy rivals to lovers romcom with a spark of science! Dating Little Miss Perfect: A steamy rivals to lovers romcom with a spark of science! by Cassandra O'Leary
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from BookSirens, in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Cassandra O’Leary for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. I thought the story was cute, funny and interesting. The story revolves around the romance between Finn Donohue and Eden Robertson. I really liked their banters and their chemistry was great. For me, I thought both characters were great. Eden was a strong heroine. She was snarky, smart, and adorable. She tries to provide for her sister, Faith, while trying to pay off her grandmother’s house. She worked with Finn, and was using a dating app under the name LittleMissPerfect. She didn’t realize that the person she was talking to was Finn. I think she wanted to help people with her research, and I found her admirable. Finn was another great character. He was sexy, smart, and protective. He moved to San Diego from Australia. He had been through difficult times, but I still really liked his character. He was a great hero. From the 65% mark, the book became more engaging and interesting. I couldn’t let go of the book from that point. I am glad that they got a happy ending. I can’t wait to read more books from Cassandra O’Leary. Overall, a great read:

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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Review: God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons

God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons God, Right Here: Meeting God in the Changing Seasons by Jennie Poh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review

Thank you Kara Lawler for the opportunity to read your book. This was an incredible read. I got this book so I can read it to my Sunday school kids at church. The book provides children with the knowledge that throughout the seasons God's handiwork is everywhere. He made everything in the world to fulfill His glory, and through the pictures, children learn that God will never leave us. I am glad that I can use this book as a resource for my Sunday school kids. I loved the pictures and the writing. It makes me glad to know that we can have more books like this so that children can read about what God does for us and who he is through every season. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Woven in Darkness

Woven in Darkness Woven in Darkness by Lucy Holden
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Lucy Holden for the opportunity to read and listen to your book. This was an alright read. This is the first book of a multi-part Fantasy Romance saga called the Woven Saga. The premise of the story was really interesting and drew me in, but I did feel a little bit disappointed with the story because the story was too slow-paced. I love listening to the audiobook while reading the physical or digital copy. In this story, Zaria, the heroine, is a slave who wants to protect her siblings and win her freedom. Along the way, a series of unfortunate events occurred, and she was sold to the Savage King, Harken. This is a slow-burn romance. I wish that the pace of the book was faster. Also, I would have liked it if we got more chapters from the hero's perspective. As for the characters, I liked Harken. To me, he was really interesting to read about. I liked that we got to know about what happened to him to make him the Savage King. Zaria was another good character. I think she is intelligent and protective. She does whatever she can to protect her family, and that is something that I think we can all relate to. She experienced a lot of things from the grief of losing her brother in the beginning. I thought the romance was good. I thought that they had great chemistry. I will continue the series to see what happens next, but I hope that the pace will be faster. Overall, an okay read.

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Monday, June 12, 2023

Review: Dark Tide

Dark Tide Dark Tide by Sean Rodman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Sean Rodman for the opportunity to review your book. This was an enjoyable read. It was short and fun. I did wish it was longer and we could have seen more about what happened. It was full of suspense. Kai is a 17 year old who goes on an trip with his stepfather, Rick, to Blind Bay, when he encounters a monster chasing him. He doesn’t have a good relationship with Rick because he is afraid that he would lose his mother. I feel like Kai is a very relatable character. The fear of losing something gets to us all, and his character started opening up when we let that fear go. Rick is Kai’s stepfather and a research scientist who had to go to Blind Bay to retrieve a broken Rover. I feel like Rick’s approach toward his stepson changes after Kai was chased by the monster. We see their relationship grow and that was the best part of the story. Seeing both of them open up and express what they feel. I hope to read more Sean Rodman books. I also hope that he writes another book to see what happens to the characters and the story. Overall, a great read.

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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Review: Searching for God

Searching for God Searching for God by Eli Wilde
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an enjoyable read. This book is a collection of free verse poetry about a person’s journey to God. I thought it was really interesting to see how the author, Eli Wilde, conveyed the emotions and struggles people go through their journey of discovery and searching for God. It is always during those times, when faith is needed to help guide us to Him and the live in the wonders of God’s grace and love. I thought it was very moving. Also, the cover is amazing. To me, I think it shows the struggles that we face in the quest of searching for God. It may be hard, but it is also rewarding when we finally become one with God. Overall, a great read.

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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Review: Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - The Beast's Tale

Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - The Beast's Tale Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - The Beast's Tale by Mallory Reaves
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an incredible read. I have had this on my Netgalley shelf and finally read it. This is the second and final volume of Disney Beauty and the Beast Manga. In this volume, the story is told from the Beast's perspective and I especially loved this one. For me, the Beast is one of the most complex characters in Disney. He can be aloof, but also vulnerable. He can be mean, but when it comes to the people he cares about, we see the softer side of him. Throughout his perspective, I thought about how he changed since meeting Belle and loved his transformation in the story. His perspective taught me that even when there are some moments of ugliness, the people who love us see us as who we are and that is all that matters. I loved every minute. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Tale

Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Tale Disney Manga: Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Tale by Mallory Reaves
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an incredible read. I have had this on my Netgalley shelf and finally read it. This is the first volume of Disney Beauty and the Beast Manga. Belle is one of my favourite Disney princesses because she is smart and loves books. In this volume, the story is told from Belle's perspective and to see the story in a manga adaptation was beautiful. I loved how her POV and feelings were portrayed in the manga and I loved seeing the Ballroom scene. I loved the artwork, and it was a great addition to the Disney collection. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Rebuilding the Altar: A Bold Call for a Fresh Encounter With God

Rebuilding the Altar: A Bold Call for a Fresh Encounter With God Rebuilding the Altar: A Bold Call for a Fresh Encounter With God by Pat Schatzline
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an incredible read. I have had this book on my Netgalley shelf and finally read it. This book is an ever-encouraging book about how we as Christians must sacrifice our own ways for God's. The altar is the place where we go to enter into His presence and sacrifice ourselves to be renewed by Him. It is at the altar that we repent, sacrifice, and surrender to the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. I thought this book was inspiring because it motivates me to be more active and present with God and build my relationship with him. I am very happy that I got to read this book. It has changed my outlook. God created us to be His ambassadors and His children. Overall, an amazing read.

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Monday, June 5, 2023

Review: One Night

One Night One Night by Melanie Florence
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was an encouraging read. The story talks about important issues such as racism, rape, teenage pregnancy and adoption. I have had this on my Netgalley shelf for a while and now have finally read it. The story revolved around Luna, a goal oriented, studious girl who went to a party, and was drugged and raped. The rest of the story follows her journey after the rape with her pregnancy and the decision of what to do next. I thought that she was brave to face the bullying and racism at her school after the pregnancy was exposed as I thought it showed dignity and grace about who she was as a person. Also, I really enjoyed the relationship that she has with her family. I think the lesson that I learned from this book is to tell someone about what happened to you because the pain and feelings associated with what happened can consume you, and it is better to rely on people. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Cutter Boy

Cutter Boy Cutter Boy by Cristy Watson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was a beautiful read. The story deals with the topic of self-harm. I have had this on my Netgalley shelf for a while and now have finally read it. The story was about the main character, Travis and his struggle with self-harm. Travis was bullied at school and ignored at home. The book started off with the first time he started cutting when his twin sisters left for college/university. I thought the story was really good. I felt sorry for whatever Travis went through. I would not want that for anyone. I really loved that the art form of paper cutting helped him realize that there are different ways for him to feel in control and find some peace rather than self-harm. This story teaches us that there are options for overcoming the need to self-harm, we just need to find people in our lives that will help along the way. For Travis, I think the motivation to overcome the need to self-harm was when he became friends with Chyvonne. Overall, a great read.

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Friday, June 2, 2023

Review: More than Once

More than Once More than Once by Elizabeth Briggs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an enjoyable read. I liked the story. A lot was happening from the start, which I never expected. I like the characters and the POVs of Becca and Andrew, but also of the past and present. They were delightful to read. I thought their chemistry was undeniable. I just wished that there was more about their relationship as I found their book too short. The ending was beautiful. I am happy that they got their happily ever after. I wish the story were longer, but I am glad that I enjoyed it very much. I can't wait to read more books in the series and more books by Elizabeth Briggs. Overall, a great read.

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Review: TEKKEN: The Dark History of Mishima

TEKKEN: The Dark History of Mishima TEKKEN: The Dark History of Mishima by Takashi Yano
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an enjoyable read. Tekken is a video game that I am a fan of, and to read a story about a video game that I grew up with in a book. I really enjoyed it. In this book, the history of Mishima and the Devil Gene is told. Jin Kazuma is the son of Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazuma, and the new leader of Mishima Zaibatsu. He possess the Devil Gene. Kazuya Mishima is the father of Jin Kazuma, and son of Heihachi Mishima, and the leader of G Corporation. The book was filled with fight sequences and was very entertaining. Each chapter had characters from the video games show up such as Nina Williams, Anna Williams, Heihachi Mishima, Lars Alexandersson, Eddy Gordo, Dr. Bosconovitch, etc. I wish that I could have read more about the relationship between Jin and his mother Jun. However, learning about the history of Mishima in a different way than the video game was great. I wish to know the history of the other characters in the series more as well. Overall, a great read.

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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Review: Fourth Wing

Fourth Wing Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

Thank you Sharon J for recommending this book to me. This was an incredible read. The story was awesome. I couldn’t put it down. The characters were fantastic. I loved Violet and Xaden. Violet Sorrengail is my type of heroine. She is smart, snarky, and brave. I love that she was willing and able to stay in a quadrant that she didn’t want to join. However, my favourite part was the moments between Violet and Xaden. Their chemistry was undeniable. Also, I love Xaden as well. I am in love. The last few chapters were incredible. I thought the ending was brilliant, but left me with more questions. I can’t wait for book 2. Overall, an amazing read.

More thoughts to come

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