Friday, July 28, 2023

Review: The Awakening

The Awakening The Awakening by L.J. Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This is the first book of the Vampire Diaries series. In this book, Elena is a popular high school student at Robert E. Lee High School. She meets new student, Stefan, and is immediately drawn to him. Throughout the book, she spends most of her time pursuing Stefan or trying to find out about his past. The story was not as intriguing as I thought it would be. Elena is a self-centered popular high school student, who thinks only about herself. I do not particularly like her in this book because of some of the stupid decisions that she makes, and how she treats people around her (ex. Matt). Stefan and Elena's story is good, but I found the fact that they fell instantly in love with each other a bit annoying. I mean yes, he did save her from something bad. However, after one kiss, it is love. I do not think that is practical. Also, learning about Stefan and Damon's past was interesting. I wished there was more about their past in the book. I will read book 2, The Struggle to see more Damon, Stefan, and Elena. Also, I thought the ending was kind of abrupt, but I am looking forward to see what book 2 brings. I am not going to lie if I had to choose between the book and the TV show, I would choose the TV show. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: Block Delete

Block Delete Block Delete by Olivia Hillier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an advance review copy for free from Booksprout and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, Olivia Hillier for the opportunity to read your book. This was an incredible read. This is the first book of the Social Games Trilogy. I have to say that from the blurb alone, I knew this would be an exciting and incredible story. This YA sci-fi dystopian novel explores the influence of social media. The government is called the Network, which is an algorithm and a person's social media determines their freedom. I loved the writing and the plot. The concept of the follow counts and how they impact their lives. I loved Alexa. I thought she was a brilliant character. To me, her character seems to be breaking away from the influence of social media and trying to find a way to live without it always in our lives. She was relatable. I thought the side characters also added to the story. However, Alexa's journey is by far my favourite. I cannot wait to see how her journey continues in Book Two, Cancelled. The ending was amazing. I can't wait to read Book Two, Cancelled. Also, I want to read more books by Olivia Hillier. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Urgent Matters

Urgent Matters Urgent Matters by Paula Rodríguez
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Edelweiss, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Paula Rodríguez for the opportunity to read the book. This was an alright read. This is the debut crime novel from Paula Rodríguez and translated by Sarah Moses. Hugo Lamadrid is wanted for murder, and is travelling by train when there is a train crash. I thought the story had potential, but it did not engage me as much as I thought it would have. The characters were okay. I thought the different characters were good, but I would have liked to get to know them a bit better. I thought the ending was good. I just feel like the plot could have been expanded more. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: Mockingjay

Mockingjay Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

2023 Review

This was an incredible read. This is the final book of the Hunger Games series. I loved every moment of it. This dystopian sci-fi story continued to follow the rebellion from Catching Fire. In this book, Katniss has been rescued from the wreckage of the 75th Hunger Games: The Third Quarter Quell arena after firing an arrow into the forcefield around the arena, only to find out that Peeta has been taken by the Capitol and District 12 is no more. We see Katniss embrace her role as the Mockingjay, and fight for Peeta's safety and the safety of her family and friends. This book was an emotional rollercoaster. We had some lovely and tender moments, and then we had those difficult moments that no one wants to face. I love the characters. Katniss has been through a lot in this book. She faces the loss of her District, her friends, and her family, the capture of Peeta, and the pressure of the Rebellion. She tried her best in everything that she did. Peeta also went through a lot of horrific stuff. He was tortured and turned into a weapon to be used to kill Katniss. I love them together. Although they had to overcome a lot of obstacles to get to where they are, they protected and loved each other through it all. I thought the last 10 chapters were the best part of the book. I hope Suzanne Collins writes about Haymitch's story. I think that will be great to learn more about him and what lead him to being who he was in the first book. Overall, an amazing read.

2014 Review

Love this book. Can't wait for the movie!!!
So much respect to Ms. Collins!!! Hurray!! Loved it!!! Haymitch, Peeta, and Katniss are my favourite characters in the trilogy. Other characters I enjoyed was Prim, Cinna, Finnick, and Rue.

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Review: Schooling Lucy: A Forbidden Teacher/Student Romance

Schooling Lucy: A Forbidden Teacher/Student Romance Schooling Lucy: A Forbidden Teacher/Student Romance by Elta Sau
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. This book is a student-teacher romance story about Mr. Roman Drake, a high school chemistry teacher, and Ms. Lucy Thomas, a high school student. This is not one of the best student-teacher romance books that I have read. This was an instalove type story, and it was a quick read. I thought the story could have been longer so that the romance could have been explored more and the characters could have more depth to them. I thought that their romance was good, but could have been better. I hope the next book will be better and longer. I am glad that they got their happily ever after. Overall, an okay read.

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Friday, July 21, 2023

Review: Stuck On First: A Romantic Comedy

Stuck On First: A Romantic Comedy Stuck On First: A Romantic Comedy by Emily French
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Emily French for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read about two friends who turn into lovers. The story was great. I thought the characters were great as well. Rob, an avid Dodgers fan and lawyer/agent, has loved his best friend, Hailey from the day they met, but never dared to tell her about his feelings. Hailey, an avid Dodgers fan and an editor for independent authors, has a series of bad relationships and said she will not do relationships anymore. I thought their friendship was cute. It was great to see how their relationship changed from friends to lovers. I thought their chemistry was great. I cannot wait to read more Emily French books. Overall, a great read.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Review: A Captivating Touch

A Captivating Touch A Captivating Touch by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

I received an advance review copy for free from BookSirens, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Elsa Winckler for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. The story revolves around the romance between Don Cavallo and Caitlin Sutherland. I thought the story was great at times, and slow at other times. I thought the characters were great as well. Don Cavallo is a billionaire who works with his 3 younger brothers in Cape Town. Caitlin Sutherland is a physiotherapist and meets Don when he came to get a massage after a cycling competition. They develop an instant attraction, and have crazy families. This book demonstrates that family always comes first, and although people may be richer than you, it is what is on the inside that counts. As they fell in love, I started to see them open up and be themselves. I thought the ending could have been longer. However, I thought the book and story were still entertaining. Overall, a great read.

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Review: The Path To A Purposeful Life: 30 Morning And Evening Devotions to Rekindle Hope, Foster Peace, and Inspire Healing

The Path To A Purposeful Life: 30 Morning And Evening Devotions to Rekindle Hope, Foster Peace, and Inspire Healing The Path To A Purposeful Life: 30 Morning And Evening Devotions to Rekindle Hope, Foster Peace, and Inspire Healing by Grace Carpenter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Grace Carpenter for the opportunity to read your book. This was an incredible read. This 30 day/night devotional provided believers of Christ an opportunity to find the path for a purposeful life. This book taught me how to live more for the Christ and less for myself. Also, I believe that this is an amazing book to read for new Christians as well. It teaches them how to wait on the Lord and to rely on His faithfulness when you have fear or feel burnout. God is always there with us, and it is exciting to see how this book will change many people’s lives as it has done for me. I loved that there were a morning and evening devotional so that I can read them for the day. Overall, an amazing read.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Review: The Lawyer Lifeguard

The Lawyer Lifeguard The Lawyer Lifeguard by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was an enjoyable read. This is one of the BookShot books that James Patterson writes. One of the reasons why I enjoy the BookShot books is the fact that you can read them quickly. Brian Lord is an attorney who lost his fiancee during a car bomb prior to the events of the book. With no recollection of what happened, he tries to piece together what happens. I thought the story was enjoyable and quick. I do wish the ending could have been longer. I thought it was too abrupt for me personally. The characters, the fast pace, the quick chapters, the mystery, and the suspense had me on the edge of my seat. I cannot wait to continue to read more James Patterson books. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Like Father, Like Son

Like Father, Like Son Like Father, Like Son by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is the second book of the Ali Cross series, which is about Alex Cross's son. I am continuing to read this series before I read Alex Cross's series. Therefore, I know I will have many unsolved questions until I read the Alex Cross books, but I thought it was interesting that James Patterson decided to create a kid version of Alex Cross. Ali Cross is the miniature version of his father, Alex Cross. He is Alex Cross's youngest child. He is smart and witty for a middle schooler. In this book, Ali has just solved his first real case. While hanging out with his friends in Anacostia Park, they witness a crime. Alex wants Ali to not get involved in the investigation, but Ali does. This is the toughest case for Ali yet. Will he be able to solve it? I thought the story was great. I liked how the mysteries always seem to involve one of Ali's friends. Although the intended audience is middle schoolers, I think this is a story that is great for readers of any age group. It has mystery, crime, suspense, and it is fast-paced. It is a great addition to the Ali Cross series, and I think it was a great to see Alex Cross have a few chapters as well in this book. The ending was great. I cannot wait to read Ali Cross book 3. Ali Cross: The Secret Detective, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: You Deserve Each Other

You Deserve Each Other You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

This was an alright read. The story was a lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy. I thought the story was okay. The story revolves around Naomi Westfield and Nicholas Rose. They are engaged, and they both want to end it. However, there is a catch for the person who ends it: they have to pay for the cost of the wedding preparations. Therefore, neither of them wants to be the one to end it, so they begin to sabotage/prank each other. As they continue to prank each other, they slowly start to open up and be themselves, and fall back in love. I liked the characters. I liked Nicholas a bit more at first than Naomi because of her attitude. I did start to relate to her as the story progressed, but I thought her character was sometimes rude. His mother is horrible. I did not like her at all. She was very controlling about their wedding. The last 25% of the book was my favourite. I think there could have been more done with the story. I cannot wait to see what other Sarah Hogle books have to offer. This was a great start to her career as an author. Overall, an okay read.

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Friday, July 14, 2023

Review: I Funny: A Middle School Story

I Funny: A Middle School Story I Funny: A Middle School Story by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. I finally got to read this book after two months of trying to read it and I am glad that finally got to read it. This is the first book in the I, Funny series. This book revolves around Jamie Grimm's quest to be Long Island's newest and best kid comedian. I thought Jamie was a great character. I related to his character because he is brave. Although he has a wheelchair, he is willing to put himself out there and deliver jokes that are funny. I really liked it. I think this book has taught me some valuable life lessons. I cannot wait to continue with this book series. I really liked the ending. I just wished that there was more added to the story. I can't wait to read book 2. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Run, Rose, Run

Run, Rose, Run Run, Rose, Run by Dolly Parton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

This is an enjoyable read. It did not disappoint! I am glad that I got to read a book by Dolly Parton and James Patterson. Run, Rose, Run is about a new, young songwriter-singer, who is trying to leave her past behind. In order to do that, she hitchhikes to Nashville. I thought the story was great. I really loved how both Dolly Parton and James Patterson developed a mystery crime suspense thriller story. I thought all of the characters were great. However, my favourite character is Ruthanna. Also, it was great to hear some of the great country singers add to the audiobook and take the characters to a different level. I really enjoyed hearing Dolly Parton as one of the characters. I cannot wait to read more James Patterson books. The reason for the 3.5 rating is that I thought that there could have been more to the country singer/music storyline. Overall, a great read.

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Review: Get Me out of Here!

Get Me out of Here! Get Me out of Here! by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the second book of the Middle School series. In this book, Rafe's mom has just lost her job, and they have moved to the big city to live with his grandma. He is entering middle school at the Cathedral School for the Arts and makes a new friend, Matty. During the school year, Matty encourages Rafe to do bad things, and Rafe only goes along with some of them. I thought the story was great. It was quick, filled with comedy, and some touching moments that focus on issues/problems that most young people go through. I thought Rafe was a great character this time around as well. I wish the story was longer. I cannot wait to see what Book 3 has in store. Overall, a great read.

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Monday, July 10, 2023

Review: Mindset Choices: With Vision from Scripture

Mindset Choices: With Vision from Scripture Mindset Choices: With Vision from Scripture by Linda Weber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an advanced review copy for free from Edelweiss, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Linda Weber for the opportunity to read your book. This was an incredible read. This book talks about breaking out of our destructive mindset and focusing on developing our Godly mindset. I believe this book has the power to move people in a powerful way if we just focus and renew our minds on Jesus and God. Also, it shows us how to find our true happiness in God. Even though we go through difficult times, we have the Spirit of God by our side. May we step into obedience to God, and rejoice and help others for God's glory. Overall, an amazing read.

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Sunday, July 9, 2023

Review: So This Is Ever After

So This Is Ever After So This Is Ever After by F.T. Lukens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was an enjoyable read. The story is described as Carry On meets Arthurian legend in this fantasy romance comedy where our main character, Arek, becomes the King of the Ere kingdom and has to get married to keep it and stay alive. I thought that the story was great, but there is room for improvement. I would have liked to see more of Arek and his friends' adventures. I enjoyed the characters and the comedy. I did enjoy the Princess flashback moments. The ending was cute. I enjoyed it a lot. Overall, a great read.

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Friday, July 7, 2023

Review: Hidden Magic: Legacy of the Witch, Book One

Hidden Magic: Legacy of the Witch, Book One Hidden Magic: Legacy of the Witch, Book One by Shana Vernon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advanced review copy for free for Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Shana Vernon for the opportunity to review your book. This was an enjoyable read. It was an entertaining and fast read. This is the first book of the Supernaturals of Mystic Oaks series, which contains scenes from the novella, Twisted Fate. This great story added much more texture to the Twisted Fate storyline. In this book, I understand Kieran more as a character from his POV, and I enjoyed his POV. To me, he is sexy and protective. I thought he was a great hero. Leilani was a great heroine. She was fierce and sassy. I loved how the book incorporated some of her prequel novella, Twisted Fate, and I enjoyed reading about her magic and everything she has gone through. I thought the ending was great. I cannot wait to continue the series. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Twisted Fate: Leilani's Prequel Novella

Twisted Fate: Leilani's Prequel Novella Twisted Fate: Leilani's Prequel Novella by Shana Vernon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. It was a entertaining, and fast read. This is an novella of the Supernaturals of Mystic Oaks series. I wanted to read this book before I started reading the first book of the series from Hidden Gems. I thought the story could have been a bit longer and given more details about the heroine’s past. Also, I would have liked to learn more about Kieran as well and his past. They were both great characters. Can’t wait to see where the series takes me. Overall, a great read.

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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Review: Reminders of Him

Reminders of Him Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. I love how Colleen Hoover writes her stories, and this was no exception. This story tells the story and romance about Kenna, a young woman who went to prison for the death of her boyfriend, and Ledger, the best friend of her boyfriend who died. I loved the story. The characters were amazing. Kenna was a beautiful character to read. To endure what she went through was heartbreaking to read, but to see her fight for herself and her daughter, Diem, I was touched by how she never gave up on making it right. Ledger was also amazing. Ledger was a jerk at some points in the story, but when he started to enjoy Kenna's company and change his ways, I loved how much he cares for Kenna. Diem is also the sweetest character ever. She is the daughter of Kenna and her boyfriend, Scotty. I love how curious and jovial she is. I also really love how much Ledger takes care of her and loves her. I am glad that Kenna, Ledger, and Diem got a happy ending. I thought the epilogue was really sweet. I can't wait to read more Colleen Hoover books. Overall, an amazing read.

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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Review: Aftershock

Aftershock Aftershock by Gabrielle S. Prendergast
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an advance review copy for free from Edelweiss, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you Gabrielle S. Prendergast for the opportunity to read your book. This was a great read. I thought it was intriguing and adventurous. I enjoy reading books with survival elements or dealing with natural disasters. I really liked the characters. Amy and Mara were half-sisters. They have the same dad, but different moms. When this earthquake hit, the story revolved around them trying to survive and find their father, and Mara's mother. I thought their sister relationship was great. I really enjoyed reading about their relationship, and that they will build more of a relationship once they are safe. I wish the story were longer because there could have been more background information about the characters and their relationship, and more world-building. However, it did not stop me from enjoying the book. I did think the ending could have been longer. I hope this will become a series. Overall, a great read.

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Monday, July 3, 2023

Review: The Worst Years of My Life

The Worst Years of My Life The Worst Years of My Life by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. It was full of laughter and adventure. Rafe is in middle school and is dreading being in the sixth grade. He has one friend, Leo, who encourages him to break the rule set out in the schoolbook by the end of the year. With every rule he breaks, he earns points. I thought Rafe was a great character. Like most kids who dread school, this book made the topic of going to school comedic and interesting. I wished the story would be longer. However, I am glad that it is a series, so I can read more about Rafe and his friends. I did find the ending abrupt, but I still found the book entertaining. Overall, a great read.

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