Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Review: Lollipop Monster Shop

Lollipop Monster Shop Lollipop Monster Shop by Coyote J.M. Edwards
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Voracious Readers Only, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, Coyote J.M. Edwards, for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. In this story, Lillian "Lils" Perth becomes the new owner of the candy shop, Sweet Fangs. Though she has not followed through on many projects such as music and homesteading, she believes this opportunity will make way for her life. I thought the story taught us important lessons about working together and finding where you belong. I thought the characters were great. Lils was sweet and impulsive. However, I really liked Kheskat. She is the granddaughter of the original owner and was supposed to take over the shop before Lils bought it. I found her character to be resilient, helpful, and straightforward. She is not afraid to say things even though it is just in the heat of the moment. However, it is how she helped Lils to make the chocolate and candy that made me like her more because, despite her initial bitterness towards Lils, she still wanted to make the shop a success and helped Lils. The ending was sweet. I am glad that the store is getting more credit. I enjoyed the story, but just wished it was longer and could explore the characters more. I wish this book could become a series. I cannot wait to read more books by Coyote J.M. Edwards. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Whispers of Creation: Psalms in Pictures: A Journey of Faith Through Nature

Whispers of Creation: Psalms in Pictures: A Journey of Faith Through Nature Whispers of Creation: Psalms in Pictures: A Journey of Faith Through Nature by GRACE EVERGREEN
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received an advance review copy for free from Booksprout, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, Grace Evergreen, for the opportunity to read your book. This was an amazing read. This devotional focuses on the book of Psalms through pictures of nature, which provides Christians with an experience through faith. I loved the pictures used along with the Scriptures found in Psalms. This devotional provides me with a source of inspiration and spiritual enrichment. I am grateful to read devotionals like this, where I can learn how to immerse myself in the beauty of God's Word. I hope to use this devotional as a tool to bring more people to God and to further my relationship with Him. I would recommend this devotional to those who need inspiration, love, and strength. God can provide you with infinite wisdom and He is waiting for you. I cannot wait to read more books by Grace Evergreen. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Princess of Asura

Princess of Asura Princess of Asura by Rhaine Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Voracious Readers Only, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, Rhaine Storm, for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. This is the prequel novella to the Mystical Creatures series. It was a quick and action-packed read. In this novella, several different mystical creatures try to overthrow the current Dragon kingdom by kidnapping the Princess, Aurora Rose. This story was well-written from the plot against the royal family to the kidnapping of the princess to the efforts from Marlene to protect the princess. Everything tied together and then left us wanting more when the cliffhanger came. I did wish the story was a bit longer to see what happened at the end. Also, I really liked the characters. I wish we got more of an introduction on them. I cannot wait to find out more about the world and the characters. This sounds like it will be a fun series to read. Overall, a great read.

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Monday, September 25, 2023

Review: How to Put Love First: Find Meaningful Connection with God, Your People, and Your Community

How to Put Love First: Find Meaningful Connection with God, Your People, and Your Community How to Put Love First: Find Meaningful Connection with God, Your People, and Your Community by Sadie Robertson Huff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Actual Rating: 3.5

Thank you, Sadie Robertson Huff and Christian Huff, for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. This devotional talks about how we should put love first with God, the people in our lives, and our communities. In this devotional, we get insights from Sadie and Christian about their life and the challenges they went through growing up and in their marriage and provide advice on how we should overcome similar challenges in our lives. I thought this devotional was interesting and made me want to put love first even when it is challenging. I know that even though I am still figuring out who I am in this world, I have a loving Jesus who has been with me through it all. I think it was great that I got insights about how I can put love first in this world, and I loved the Scriptures that provided me with more strength and wisdom in my Christian journey. I am grateful for the Lord being in my life, and I am glad to know that He is with me through everything that I face. Because of Jesus, I am who I am today. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Know Him: A Year of Daily Bible Readings on the Character of God (A 365-Day Devotional on God’s Attributes)

Know Him: A Year of Daily Bible Readings on the Character of God (A 365-Day Devotional on God’s Attributes)Know Him: A Year of Daily Bible Readings on the Character of God by Our Daily Bread
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Actual Rating: 4.5

Thank you, Our Daily Bread for the opportunity to read your book. This was an incredible read. In this devotional, each month focused on a different attribute of God through every passage in the Bible. This devotional helps us deepen our relationship with God not just for right now, but forever. I think the lessons that we can learn from this devotional will bring more people to Christ. This book is to be read for every day of the months ahead, but I actually read through it in one sitting absorbing the wonderful Scriptures and prayers throughout. I am glad that I get to learn more about the different attributes that God possesses. However, I do wish that there was more of an explanation or commentary for the topics discussed. I think it would make a bigger impact on the Christian community. Overall, an amazing read.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Review: Twice Shy

Twice Shy Twice Shy by Sarah Hogle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. I enjoyed this book much more than You Deserve Each Other. I thought it was sweet, funny, and well-written. In this book, Maybell inherits her great-aunt Violet's house and she has to share the property with the groundskeeper, Wesley. They have different dreams for what they want to do with the house such as Maybell wants to make it a hotel and Wesley wants to make it an animal sanctuary. The best and funniest part of the book is their competitiveness and their banter with each other. It made the story more funny and engaging. I think the characters were great. Maybell was sweet and funny. Wesley was smart and funny. The two of them together was a great match. The ending was sweet. I am glad that it was a happy ending. I am happy that I read this book. I am ready for more books by Sarah Hogle. Overall, a great read.

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Monday, September 18, 2023

Review: Witch Hunt: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance

Witch Hunt: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Witch Hunt: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance by Willow Reign
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advanced review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, Willow Reign, for the opportunity to read your book. This is the first book in the Dark Wolves of Raven Oak series. This was an enjoyable read. This story is a slow-burn, paranormal, reverse harem romance. In this book, Coral is a hybrid witch-wolf, who is hunted by the witch community due to her hybrid nature and finding her wolf pack. I liked the slow burn aspect of the romance because it builds for a better story in the future books in the series. I thought the world was great. I really liked the heroine of this story. Coral is the type of heroine that I love to read. She was fierce, snarky, and smart. I really like her relationship with all the boys. However, I have to say that Fabien is my favourite because of his snarky attitude and the sassy banter between him and Coral. I thought their connection was really genuine. I cannot wait to see her relationship progress with all the boys, but I am most looking forward to the Fabien and Coral moments. The ending was great. I cannot wait to read book 2. Overall, a great read.

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Review: The Red Eye: A second chance romance, secret baby

The Red Eye: A second chance romance, secret baby The Red Eye: A second chance romance, secret baby by A Akinosho
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay Read

I received an advanced review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, A. Akinosho, for the opportunity to read your book. This was an alright read. In this book, Ciara Anne Kellington and Philip Webster meet by chance and have a one-night stand that turns into an unplanned pregnancy. I thought the story was alright. Initially, I found the plot interesting, but as it went on, I felt confused and found the story was not that relatable. I wished the story was longer to get more out of the characters and the story. Also, I did not like how the story kept going back and forth. The characters were okay. I thought Ciara was an okay character. She was a bit immature, and I just could not connect with her as a character. Also, Philip was okay as well. I thought he should have been more truthful. I think if the story was longer, there could have been more to discover and explore about the characters. I will look forward to reading more books from A. Akinosho. Overall, an okay read.

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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Review: The Duchess: A thrilling science fantasy prequel

The Duchess: A thrilling science fantasy prequel The Duchess: A thrilling science fantasy prequel by Claudia Blood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, Claudia Blood for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. This book is part of the Renegades Rising series. However, this book can be read as a standalone as well. In this book, we meet 11-year-old Cynthia aka “The Duchess,” and follow her story. She is a prodigious hacker. She is trying to find out why a company name CynGen ordered for her parents to be killed in a supposed “fire”. On the course of her journey to find the truth, she meets this mysterious man named Thomas. They become a couple and fall in love. This story was engaging and full of suspense. I wanted to continue the story and I read wanted to see how it ended. I also was surprised by the plot twist. I just wished the book was a bit longer. I thought Cynthia was a great character. She is determined, witty and smart. She is my type of heroine. The one that never backs down. I cannot wait for the four of them to be together in the last book. I am looking forward to book 5. Also, I cannot wait to read more Claudia Blood books. Overall, a great read.

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Friday, September 15, 2023

Review: The Right Wrong Girl

The Right Wrong Girl The Right Wrong Girl by Elise Brannick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Hidden Gems, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Actual Rating: 3.75

Thank you, Elise Brannick for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. In this story, Tara Clark goes on a blind date with Tristan Weatherby for her sister Mackenzie Clark, and they have a good date. However, they promised each other to tell their parents that the date didn’t go well and they won’t meet again. Until Tristan’s father tells his one of their clients will not sign with them if the CEO doesn’t have the same commitments as he does. So, Tristan asks Tara, who is pretending to be her sister, to be his fiancé to win over the client. While pretending to be Mackenzie, Tara starts to enjoy Tristan’s company and falls in love with him, and vice versa. This was a great plot. It kind of reminded me of a Korean drama that I watched called Business Proposal, which has a similar premise but the main character goes on the blind date for her best friend. This story had me laughing and engaged. I just wish the story was longer. I wished we could have seen their dating life after the reveal of who she really is and their married life. Other than that, the story made me laugh. I enjoyed it a lot. I am happy that they got their happy ending. I can’t wait to read more Elise Brannick books. Overall, a great read.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Review: Let It Fall

Let It Fall Let It Fall by P.E. Virk
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, P. E. Virk, for the opportunity to read your book. This was an en read. In this novella, we have 3 main characters: Jasmine, Darius, and Joey. I liked how P.E. Virk wrote their emotions and thoughts. Also, I thought the friendship between Jasmine and her friends was well-written. I thought Jasmine was smart and beautiful. Also, this story teaches us the highs and lows of young adults finding their place in this world. As a young adult, we all want to find our place in this world. We all experience the ups and downs, but it is nice to see how these characters put focus on their friendship, love, and life. The ending was great. I cannot wait to read more P. E. Virk books. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Sufficiently Advanced Magic

Sufficiently Advanced Magic Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

Thank you to my brother for recommending this book to me, and for gifting me the book on Audible. This was an incredible read. This is the first book of the Arcane Ascension series. In this story, our protagonist, Corin Cadence is on the search for his older brother, who never returned from his testing at the Serpent Spire. To find him, Corin enters the Serpent Spire, where he is tested with traps, monsters and puzzles to gain attunement that will access him to his first set of magical powers and head off to a magical academy to build on his craft. The story was amazing. The world and the use of magic were fantastic. I thought the characters were fantastic. Corin is smart, yet an introvert. I loved his character because he is resourceful. As the story progresses, more characters are introduced: Sera, Marissa, Patrick and Jin. Sera joined the magic academy with Corin. I loved their relationship. It was full of teasing. It was funny to read. Another interesting character was Jin. He seemed quite mysterious. I cannot wait to get to know more about the characters as the series unfolds. I thought the ending was incredible. I cannot wait to continue the journey with Corin on his quest to find his brother, Tristan. I cannot wait to read book 2. On the Shoulders of Titans, here I come. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Legacy of a Princess

Legacy of a Princess Legacy of a Princess by B. Kinde
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Boring Read

I received an advance review copy for free from Edelweiss, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, B. Kinde, for the opportunity to read your book. This was a meh read. This read was not my cup of tea. I thought the premise was intriguing, but the story disappointed me. The story is about a princess who married a prince and was set to be queen. She becomes depressed and fakes her death to survive. I was excited to read this because it felt like it was going to be a very thrilling read. However, the story turned out to be boring and not as engaging as I thought it would be. I thought the characters were not relatable. I really like to connect with the characters and the story, but in this book, I couldn’t. I wish the characters were more developed. Also, I wish the story was longer so that we can have even more of a background of the princess. I might read book 2 to continue the story, but we will see. Overall, a boring read.

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Review: November 9

November 9 November 9 by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. This is my thirteenth Colleen Hoover book and she has created another wonderful piece of writing. In this book, a beautiful love story unfolds between a writer and his unexpected muse. I loved every minute of the book. I feel like this was Colleen Hoover's best book. This book was a roller coaster. Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. They are immediately attracted to each other and decide to meet every November 9th for 5 years. For me, the characters were my favourite part of the book. I loved Ben and Fallon. Fallon is a girl who lost her dreams and self-esteem when she was in an accident with a fire. I thought her character was beautiful. She used to be a girl of confidence but has since lost who she is because of the fire. I loved Fallon. She is a strong, amazing and beautiful heroine. She has been through so much. She doesn't feel beautiful, but she is beautiful. She is more than what people make her out to be, and she should feel all the love and support in the world. Ben is a college student and an aspiring novelist. He is the type of man you want to have. I loved him because he made Fallon feel beautiful and worthy. He sees Fallon more than her scars, but he sees who she is. I loved her chemistry and romance. There were happy and sad moments and an unexpected plot twist. I cannot wait to read more books by Colleen Hoover. She is an amazing writer and I love how she writes her books. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Fresh Brewed Murder

Fresh Brewed Murder Fresh Brewed Murder by Emmeline Duncan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book of A Ground Rules Mystery series. It is a cozy mystery that takes place in Portland, Oregon. This book introduces us to our main character, Sage Caplin, who is a co-owner of a coffee cart and roasting company with her friend, Harley. In this book, someone is murdered in front of the coffee cart. Sage owns. I thought the story was great. The plot was interesting. I thought that the characters were great. I thought Sage was a great main character. She has a mother, who is on the run and a father, who is a police officer. I thought she was smart, witty, and unique. I enjoyed the mystery and suspense. I am glad that I finally got to read this book. I cannot wait for book 2 and more Emmeline Duncan books. Double Shot Death, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Saturday, September 9, 2023

Review: Hello Stranger

Hello Stranger Hello Stranger by Katherine Center
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was an enjoyable read. This is my second novel by Katherine Center. In this story, we meet Sadie Montgomery, an artist looking for her big break into the art scene, but suddenly suffers from face blindness while falling in love. This was a great story. It has a great plot that centers on family, friendship, romance, taking chances, and living with face blindness. I thought Sadie was a great character. In my opinion, she is the type of heroine that I like to read. She is passionate, sweet, and artistic. I also really like her dog, Peanut. The only thing that I did not like was the fact that she fell in love with two men. I think if she just fell in love with one person, I would have loved it more. Other than the love triangle, I enjoyed the book. I cannot wait to read more books by Katherine Center. Overall, a great read.

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Friday, September 8, 2023

Review: Starseed

Starseed Starseed by Olivia Hillier
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received an advanced review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Thank you, Olivia Hillier, for the opportunity to read your book. This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book in the Shadow & Shifter series. This is a great addition to my YA paranormal fantasy stories. I was intrigued by the plot. The story focuses on Maya, a teenage girl who struggles to fit in the world. She possesses the ability to see shadows around the people around her. I thought that was intriguing. I am glad that she is not alone and has Cay by her side. I liked how Cay is helping Maya in finding who and what she is. This book has some very emotional scenes. I felt bad for Kaine. I do not wish anyone to feel like he did. I thought the concept of people coming from stars was interesting and engaging as well. I thought the ending was great. I am looking forward to reading more books in the Shadow & Shifter series. Book 2, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Monday, September 4, 2023

Review: 3 Days to Live

3 Days to Live 3 Days to Live by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.75

This was an enjoyable read. In this book, there are three short stories being told. The first story was 3 Days to Live by James Patters and Duane Swiercynski. In this story, a CIA agent bride is on her European honeymoon when she and her husband are poisoned - leaving her seventy-two hours to take revenge. The second story was Women and Children First by James Patterson and Bill Schweigart. In this story, when a deal goes bad on a tech executive in Washington, DC, he turns an order to kill his family into a chance to relive his military glory days. The third and final story was The Housekeepers by James Patterson and Julie Margaret Hogben. In this story, a LA doctor is murdered in a botched attempt to steal drugs, her two trusted housekeepers vie to control their former employer's estate - facing off against the Russian mob.

In my opinion, I believe that 3 Days to Live was the best short in this book. It contained the most entertaining plot and characters. Also, the narration of the story was engaging and great. I give 3 Days to Live a 4/5. The second story did have an exciting plot, but I thought the narration was not that great. Also, I thought there were moments when the story was boring. I give Women and Children First a 3.75/5. The final story was the weakest. I thought it was not as interesting as the first two plot-wise. Also, the narration was boring. I give The Housekeepers a 3.5/5. I cannot wait to read more James Patterson books and read more crime/mystery/thriller/suspense books. Overall, a great read.

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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Review: Charmed

Charmed Charmed by Jen Calonita
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the second book of the Fairy Tale Reform School series. In this book, Alva, the one who cursed Sleeping Beauty is starting a war against the Princesses and wants the students of the Fairy Tale Reform School to join her. I think this story was great. I thought the characters were great and relatable. I really liked Gilly. She was an interesting character. I really liked how she was characterized as a person who gave everything to her family. She is the type of hero that you root for even when they have to get their hands dirty when trying to find out who is Alva’s spy. When I read this book, I thought of the movie series, Descendants, which is about mischievous villains' kids getting a second chance to be good. I thought the ending was great. I am glad that I found this series. I cannot wait to see what book 3 has in store for me. Tricked (Book 3), here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Saturday, September 2, 2023

Review: Gone for You

Gone for You Gone for You by Jayne Frost
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.75

This was an enjoyable read. This was the first book of the Sixth Street Bands series. In this book, we get to read about the romance between Cameron Knight (a rock star), and Lily Tennyson (a student). The story was told from the perspective of Cameron, and I enjoyed it a lot. It was a sweet and fast read. I just wished the story was longer, and I thought it would have been nice to have Lily's perspective in the story. The characters were great. Cameron Knight and Lily Tennyson had great chemistry, and I really enjoyed their romance. Cameron Knight was the guitarist for the rock band, Caged. He was the one-night stand type of guy, where you do not have to get too involved with each other and have a no-strings-attached relationship. Lily changed him from being a player to being a guy who deserved all the love that Lily gave him. Lily Tennyson was a student who worked two jobs to keep her afloat. I really liked Lily. Her character is relatable. I think everyone has had moments when they need to work hard and more to make sure that they stay afloat and are able to pay the bills while going to school. I thought the ending was cute. I am looking forward to seeing where this series goes. I cannot wait to read book 2. Fall with Me, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Friday, September 1, 2023

Review: Ali Cross: The Secret Detective

Ali Cross: The Secret Detective Ali Cross: The Secret Detective by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the third book of the Ali Cross series, which is about Alex Cross's son. I am continuing to read this series before I read Alex Cross's series. Therefore, I know I will have many unsolved questions until I read the Alex Cross books, but I thought it was interesting that James Patterson decided to create a kid version of Alex Cross. Ali Cross is the miniature version of his father, Alex Cross. He is Alex Cross's youngest child. He is smart and witty for a middle schooler. In this book, Ali witnesses something horrible. He has to grapple with tough questions about what it means to be a detective, and a detective's son. Will Ali find a way to follow in his father's footsteps...or will he be the one in danger's path? I thought the story was great. I liked how the mysteries always seem to involve one of Ali's friends. Although the intended audience is middle schoolers, I think this is a story that is great for readers of any age group. It has mystery, crime, suspense, and it is fast-paced. It is a great addition to the Ali Cross series. The ending was great. I cannot wait to read the Alex Cross series. Overall, a great read.

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Review: A Perilous Pal

A Perilous Pal A Perilous Pal by Laura Bradford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

This was an enjoyable read. This is the second book in the Friend for Hire Mystery series. I thought the story was great. Emma Westlake is contacted by a new client looking for a friend. When she meets Kim for the first time, Emma tries to help her in whatever way she can. Turns out Kim needs Emma to prove she did not kill her ex-husband, and thus the investigation begins. I really enjoyed this story. I thought it was entertaining and fun. I enjoyed every minute of it. I thought the characters were great. I liked Emma, but I thought she was naive at times. The secondary characters were interesting and made the story more engaging. I thought the ending was great. I hope there are more books in this series because the premise of Emma being a Friend for Hire is great. Overall, a great read.

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