Friday, May 26, 2023

Review: $10,000,000 Marriage Proposal

$10,000,000 Marriage Proposal $10,000,000 Marriage Proposal by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was an enjoyable read. This is one of the BookShots books that James Patterson writes. For this novella, he teamed up with Hilary Liftin. The story was cute, short and sweet. The story revolves around three young professional women and their quest to get $10,000,000. I really liked the three female characters and their backstory. I did find some parts boring, but for the most part, the story was engaging and funny. It is not your typical romance, and I think that made the story more intriguing. I enjoyed it, and I cannot wait to read more James Patterson books. Overall, a great read.

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Review: You and Only You

You and Only You You and Only You by Sharon Sala
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

Actual Rating: 3.5

I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an enjoyable read. The story revolves around LilyAnn and her life after the passing of her fiancé. She become depressed and basically gave us on life. Her friend, Mike Dalton, has been with her every step of the way, but now wants to be more than friends. A new guy by the name of T.J. Lachlan comes into town and uses his charm on LilyAnn. She starts to change her appearance more, and Mike feels like he will never be able to be with her. However, as the story progresses, the feelings between LilyAnn and Mike begin to grow and there are misunderstandings. However, I thought their romance was cute and refreshing. Also, I enjoyed the story especially when the suspense aspect came into play with the stalking. LilyAnn really proved herself as a character in that scene. She stood up for herself and fought with everything she had. It was great. The ending was sweet. I am happy for Mike that he was able to make his dream come true and get his happily ever after with LilyAnn. Overall, a great read.

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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Review: My Professor: A Nora Heat Novella

My Professor: A Nora Heat Novella My Professor: A Nora Heat Novella by Shanora Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. It is a student-teacher romance between Cole Grant, a literature professor, and Zara Porter, a freshmen in his literature class. The story was interesting and exciting. I really thought the characters were great. Cole is an aspiring author, who also works as the professor. He has feelings for her since the first day of classes. For me, Cole was good-looking, smart, and protective of Zara. Zara was a freshman in the literature class when she first saw Cole Grant. She, too, did like him from the first day of classes. To be closer to him, she took his study sessions. During one of these study sessions, they gave into their feelings and kissed. The rest was history. The ending was sweet, but it could have been longer. I can't wait to read more books by Shanora Williams. Overall, a great read.

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Review: The Bodyguard

The Bodyguard The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredible read. This was a romantic contemporary book, and it was the first book that I read from Katherine Center. The story was funny and interesting. I laughed a lot throughout the book. I thought the romance was cute, and the drama was great. The characters were amazing. Hannah was my favourite character. Thought she has self esteem issues, she is a great heroine. I really related to her and that made me love her even more as a character. Jack, on the other hand, was a complete surprise. I would have thought that being an actor would make him more like other characters who are actors, but to see the depth and sincerity of love for his family. I love Jack's family as well. The ending was sweet. I really loved every second of this book. A fun story of people who enjoy each other's company, while trying to deal with their own issues as well. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Two for the Dough

Two for the Dough Two for the Dough by Janet Evanovich
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great read. I enjoyed the banter between Joe and Stephanie. I laughed a lot because of them. I thought that the book could have been more thrilling and I thought there were parts where I was bored. I did enjoy the characters more, especially Stephanie. I thought her character grew from the first book. I thought Stephanie was a great character. She had a lot of humor, sass, and determined. You cannot help, but root for her to win. I hope that the story gets better as the series continues. Book 3, here I come. Overall, an enjoyable read.

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Review: The Wish

The Wish The Wish by Nicholas Sparks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredible read. I loved every minute of this book. Like other Nicholas Sparks books, the story had me engaged from beginning to end. Although the chapters were long, I am not complaining one bit because the story portrayed the compassion, love, and life that our main character, Maggie goes through so beautifully. I really loved Maggie. Her story from her teenage pregnancy to her career as a successful photographer. I loved how humble, and down-to-earth she was. The thing I love about Nicholas Sparks books the most are the lessons that can come from the book itself. For me, this book was about not living your last days with regret, and to remain hopeful even when facing difficult times. Also, I think this book also taught me that you should love people even when they make mistakes because those mistakes should not be defining moments of a person. Therefore, we must choose to love people even when they make mistakes because they will do the same for you in return. I cannot wait to read more Nicholas Sparks books, and I am excited to see what books become movies next. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: The 8th Confession

The 8th Confession The 8th Confession by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, The detectives are trying to solve a series of mysterious deaths within the San Francisco "super rich" while also dealing with the murder of a homeless preacher. These cases are difficult because there is no cause of death found, which makes them no complicated to solve. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I enjoyed this one a lot more because it kept me guessing what was happening. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was my favourite so far. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 9, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me.

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Review: The 9th Judgment

The 9th Judgment The 9th Judgment by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, a deranged killer is targeting women and children all over San Francisco, and the number of bodies are piling up. On the other hand, a string of jewel thefts ends when a wife is murdered. Also, we see Lindsay, Claire, Cindy, and Yuki dealing with the risks that their jobs entail, while trying to make sure that their loved ones are safe and protected. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I just wished that there was more Yuki in this story. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 9, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me.

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Review: Duality

Duality Duality by Charlene Namdhari
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. The story involved the student-teacher relationship between Levana and Saint. The story was great. It had romance, mystery and twists throughout. My favourite part of the story was Levana. I have never read a story with a girl with as much fight as her. When she goes through things, she is snarky and witty. She is the best friend that you want to have your back. On the other hand, Saint was a bit of mysterious character. He was great, but I thought that his character held back a lot until the end. I wish he opened up more sooner than now. Their romance was sweet and genuine. Their attraction was palpable. The ending was cute. I am glad it was a happy ending for Levana. She has been through so much and deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Kissing Tolstoy

Kissing Tolstoy Kissing Tolstoy by Penny Reid
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This was a student-teacher relationship story, but it was not as engaging as some of the other student-teacher books that I have read. I thought the story was a bit boring, and I had to put it down. I thought the main characters were okay. I did not love or dislike them. I thought that the hero, Luca, was a bit annoying. I wish he knew what he wanted instead of pushing her away. The heroine, Anna, was a bit naive as well, and that also annoyed me. I thought that they could have been better development of the characters to make the story stand out. The ending was good, but abrupt in my opinion. I wish it was longer and showed more of their happily ever after. It would have been nice to see. I will look forward to reading more books from this author. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: 10th Anniversary

10th Anniversary 10th Anniversary by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, Lindsay is solving a case that a baby nowhere to be found and the baby's mother, who was 15-years-old was found naked and bleeding on the street after giving birth to the baby in the last 36 hours. While Yuki is prosecuting on a case where a doctor was charged for the murder of her husband. Also, Cindy is investigating about multiple women having reported being drugged and waking up in alleys where they were sexually assaulted with no memory of the incident/ There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 11, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. The 11th Hour, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: 10th Anniversary

10th Anniversary 10th Anniversary by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, Lindsay is solving a case that a baby nowhere to be found and the baby's mother, who was 15-years-old was found naked and bleeding on the street after giving birth to the baby in the last 36 hours. While Yuki is prosecuting on a case where a doctor was charged for the murder of her husband. Also, Cindy is investigating about multiple women having reported being drugged and waking up in alleys where they were sexually assaulted with no memory of the incident/ There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 11, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. The 11th Hour, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: 11th Hour

11th Hour 11th Hour by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, Lindsay is pregnant with her first child with Joe. Someone is killing drug dealers, and at the same time, there is the mystery of skulls appearing at the home of a famous actor. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The only thing I did not like was how Lindsay did not give Joe any room to explain the situation about the party. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 12, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. The 12th of Never, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Courses in Chemistry: The Halls of Hillview

Courses in Chemistry: The Halls of Hillview Courses in Chemistry: The Halls of Hillview by Allie Scott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. The story is a student-teacher romance. The story is a romance between Annabelle, the student, and Gavin, the teacher’s assistant. I thought the story was quite boring. It was not like most of the student-teacher books that I have read. The characters were good. I liked them, but I wished the story could have been longer so that I got to see what happened between the last two chapters. Annabelle is a student who one night gets drunk and sends a drunk email to Gavin, the TA for her chemistry class. From that, we see the romance blossom. Gavin was an alright character. I thought his character needed more development. However, their chemistry together was good. The ending seemed a bit rushed. I wanted more content on what happened, and their happily ever after. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: Stolen Heir

Stolen Heir Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. When I found out that these stories follow the Kingmakers parents, I thought that I had to read this before continuing the Kingmakers series. This was the second book of the Brutal Birthright series and this story features the love story between Anna’s parents Mikolaj and Nessa. Their romance was a beauty and the beast mafia version story. Mikolaj kidnaps Nessa to avenge the murder of the Butcher, who Mikolaj called father. As Nessa continues to live in captivity with Miko, she starts to develop friendships with her maid, Klamath and love for Miko. Nessa is Callum’s little sister who is a ballerina, and I thought that she was naive at times, but also very sweet, and smart. I thought she was a great ‘Belle.’ The beast of this story, Mikolaj “Miko” is leader of the Polish mafia. He is sexy, dark and possessive. I feel like he is very misunderstood, but as the story progresses the one person who knows him is Nessa. That’s why I thought the romance was great, and it had a lot of action-packed scenes too. It was great to see Callum and Aida as well. The ending few chapters were the best part. I loved how they got their dreams and ended up having a lovely life together. Overall, a great read.

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Review: 12th of Never

12th of Never 12th of Never by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual Rating: 4.15

This was an interesting read. This is my favourite book of the series so far.I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, Lindsay gives birth to her daughter during a thunder storm. Also, she has a case that involves a rising football player as the primary suspect of a murder. While also dealing with a professor who is experience vivid dreams of about shootings that seem to be accurate on every front. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 13, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. Unlucky 13, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Simple Math

Simple Math Simple Math by Loni Ree
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is book 7 of the Love 101 series. The story is a student-teacher romance. The story is a romance between Dane, the teacher, and Lexi, the student. It was one of the better student-teacher books that I have read. The characters were great. Lexi is trying to only focus on her schooling when she meets Dane. I feel like she is a bit naive, but she is also smart. Dane is a 32 year old math professor, and he wants Lexi. He doesn’t care that she is a student because they are not in the same department or classes. I thought their chemistry was great. Their romance was sweet. The ending seemed a bit rushed. I would have liked to see more romance before the pregnancy reveal. However, the epilogue with their family was adorable. I cannot wait to read the other books in the Love 101 series even though they are really short. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Unlucky 13

Unlucky 13 Unlucky 13 by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual Rating: 4.25

This was an interesting read. This was my favourite book so far. Every book is getting better and better in my opinion. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, we had 3 different storylines. The first storyline was about people dying due to belly bombs. They went to order food from a restaurant called Chucks, and someone put explosives in the beef. The second storyline was about Yuki and Brady getting married and going on a cruise for their honeymoon, when their cruise get hijacked by some pirates. The third and final storyline involved Cindy tracking down Mackie Morales, who escaped from prison in the last book, 12th of Never. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 14, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. 14th Deadly Sin, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: 14th Deadly Sin

14th Deadly Sin 14th Deadly Sin by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual Rating: 4.25

This was an interesting read. Every book is getting better and better in my opinion. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, there is a ring of corrupt cops and a serial killer on the loose. The serial killer aspect of the story really gave me Criminal Mind vibes, as the BAU is known for profiling serial killers, so I really loved that aspect of the story. Also, I loved that Yuki got more of a story in the last few books, and also I am glad to get more about her relationship with her husband, Lieutenant Brady. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. The series about four best friends, who are more like sisters than friends is the best thing ever. We get to see how they are able to overcome anything because of their friendship. The only thing I am sad about is that Yuki never got to meet Jill. I think if all 5 women were in the series, it would have been even better. I can't wait to read book 15, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. 15th Affair, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Physical Science

Physical Science Physical Science by Nichole Rose
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This is book 10 of the Love 101 series. The story is a student-teacher romance. The story is about a romance between Nico, the teacher, and Norah, the student. I thought the story was quite boring at times. I thought it was not as good as other student-teacher romance books that I have read. My favourite part of the story was the characters. I thought that they were really intriguing. However, the story could have been longer in order to make it flow much better and not abruptly like it did. Nico is a astrophysicist, while Norah is a student in one of his courses. I thought their attraction to each other was sweet. I did think Norah was a bit naive as she is just 18-years-old, and a daughter of an astrophysicist. The ending was rushed. I wish I could have been the proposal and how the wedding turned out and how life changed after having their first child. I think it would have made me rate this book higher if there was more of a story to it. I can't wait to read book 11 of the Love 101 series even though they are short. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: Killer Chef

Killer Chef Killer Chef by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual Rating: 3.75

This was an enjoyable read. I love a great crime, mystery thriller, and this was a great addition for my collection. This was a great story. It was about a killer targeting middle-aged couples while they are eating at well-known restaurants. Caleb Rooney is New Orlean’s top homicide detective by day, and chef extraordinaire by night. I liked how he tries to succeed in both food and detective work. He has a lot of charm, and guts. I really liked this introduction story of Caleb Rooney. I can’t wait to read The Chef. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Virgins

Virgins Virgins by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. It was a quick read. I read Outlander a few years back, and now I need to read it again. I wanted to see the events before Jamie meeting Claire. I thought this was a good introduction to Jamie's character. I did find the story a bit boring at parts. Maybe it is because I love Jamie and Claire and their adventures in Outlander so much. I did like seeing the friendship between Jamie and Ian. The fact that they are both virgins, and they both were attracted to the same person. I cannot wait to read the series from rereading book 1 to end. I am looking forward to seeing what Diana Gabaldon has in store. Also, I cannot wait to see who she will write about next when Jamie and Claire's story is complete. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: The Midnight Club

The Midnight Club The Midnight Club by James Patterson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an okay read. This story was published in 1989, four years before I was born. I thought the story was great at some parts and boring at other parts. I thought that the male lead, John Stefanovitch was alright. I didn’t like him nor dislike him. I just found his character to be okay. I wish that there was more characterization for his character, or something that I can relate with him in some way. The ending was good. Overall, an alright read.

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Review: The Angel Experiment

The Angel Experiment The Angel Experiment by James Patterson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. The story revolves around 6 kids who are on the run from the institution that are experimenting on them. The story was okay. I thought the plot was interesting, but needed more development. Also, I thought the female lead were good. Maximum Ride or Max is one of the six kids who were experimented on. To me, I think Max is snarky, and interesting. I wish I could relate to her more. Hopefully as the books move along, I will like her and the other characters more. There were many twists in the story, which I liked a lot. The ending was okay. I need to read book 2 to see where this series goes. Hopefully it gets better. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: Ali Cross

Ali Cross Ali Cross by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. I was able to get my hands on a copy of the audiobook from my library app, and thought it would be interesting to read about Alex's son, before diving into the Alex Cross series. I know I will have many unsolved questions until I read the Alex Cross books, but I thought it was interesting that James Patterson decided to create a kid version of Alex Cross. Ali Cross is the miniature version of his father, Alex Cross. He is Alex Cross's youngest child. He is smart and witty for a middle schooler. Ali's friend Gabe goes missing, so Ali decides to look into the disappearance of his friend. I really liked that the book showed the whole Cross family. I really liked the family dynamics. I thought there was a great start to the introduction of Ali Cross. The ending was great. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Intro to Anatomy

Intro to Anatomy Intro to Anatomy by L. Nicole
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This is book 12 of the Love 101 series. This story follows the romance of Anatomy teacher, Sophia falling in love with the night school mechanic teacher Lance "Shotgun" Reed. I thought the story was okay. This was a quick read, but I wished the story could have been longer. Lance is serving community service for assaulting a man who was physically abusive to his wife and daughter as a mechanic instructor at a night school, where he meets Sophia, who has to oversee his class. Lance is possessive, sexy, and the president of MC club. Sophia is sophicated, and very different than Lance. However, their romance was insta-love, which is not my favourite type of books. I am glad that they got their happily ever after. The ending was abrupt. I wished that there was more scenes about their life after moving in, and maybe their wedding or a scene with their children. I have one book left to read in this series, and then I am done. I can't wait to see what book 11 has in store for me. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: Love Lessons

Love Lessons Love Lessons by Cassie Mint
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is book 1 of the Teacher's Pet series. This story follows the romance of Literature professor, Ellis Kent, and his student, Avery Jennings. I thought the story was great, and interesting. Ellis Kent is a literature professor. He is possessive, smart, and intriguing. Avery is a student who has loved Professor Kent since the moment she laid eyes on him in her first year literature class. I wish the story could have been longer. Also, it would have been nice to see their first meeting in the first year literature class, and see how the attraction between the two occurred. I thought the ending was sweet. I am curious how the rest of the series will turn out. Next up is the story of Paige and her ballet master, Raphael. Ballet Master, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Ballet Master

Ballet Master Ballet Master by Cassie Mint
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is book 2 of the Teacher's Pet series. This story follows the romance of ballet legend, Raphael and his ballet student, Paige. Paige is a ballerina in training, and captures the attention of legendary ballet dancer, Raphael with her emotions through her dancing. Paige is a bit naive in this story. I thought she would be more fierce. However, I think the reason why she is naive is because the world of dance is a cruel yet beautiful world. It can break and make you. You just need to get courage, and dance with passion. Also, Raphael is also another great character. He makes the story more alluring. He is possessive, and seductive. I thought the story was great, and interesting. I am curious how the rest of the series will turn out. Next up is the story of Leona and her love story. Life Model, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: 15th Affair

15th Affair 15th Affair by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual Rating: 4.30

This was an interesting read. Every book is getting better and better in my opinion. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, there are several crimes involved. First, there is four people shot in a Four Seasons hotel. Then, there is an airplane attack that kills 430 people. Finally, a ring of Chinese spies with an unknown motive. Also, there is drama between Lindsay and Joe as he is added into the chaos of these crimes. In this book, I thought Lindsay finally stood up for herself and did not back down. It was great to see this side of her. I loved it. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. The series about four best friends, who are more like sisters than friends is the best thing ever. We get to see how they are able to overcome anything because of their friendship. The only thing I am sad about is that Yuki never got to meet Jill. I think if all 5 women were in the series, it would have been even better. I can't wait to read book 15.5, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. The Trial, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: The Trial

The Trial The Trial by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, the continuation of the Kingfisher storyline continues. As he is waiting trial, Lindsay Boxer’s family is being threatened, as well as the citizens of San Francisco. All the while, Lindsay and Joe have separated due to the events in Book 15, 15th Affair. It is a very short and fun read. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. I can't wait to read book 16, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. 16th Seduction, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Making Faces

Making Faces Making Faces by Amy Harmon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing read. I have heard many great things about this book, but never got time to read it until now. Also, this book deals with many things: friendship, abuse, and love. It also deals with trust. It was a powerful and emotional read. I really loved the characters and the story. I loved Fern, Bailey and Ambrose. Fern Taylor is so relatable to me because I often feel like I am not noticed. She is compassionate, witty and smart. I love how deeply she loves people no matter what. This rings true when Ambrose came back from Iraq after the bombing. Bailey was my hero. He was diagnosed with Dushenne Muscular Dystrophy, and never let the disease stop him from living life. Yes, he was in a wheelchair and yes, he had to have people do things for him. However, his light and sense of humour brought warmth to my heart. He achieved a lot of things and I really couldn’t believe how his story ended. Ambrose was another favourite. He had everything he wanted—looks, popularity, friends, and wrestling. However, he, then, enlists to join the Army and asks his friends to join. He survives and they die, but in his heartbreak, I got to see the vulnerable side of Ambrose. The guy who doubts he can love because of his guilt and brokenness. It was Fern who put hope back in his heart. Also, she made him live again. It was beautiful to see. This book demonstrates that beauty is more than skin deep, it transcends physical beauty and enables the beauty from within to bloom. I also am a big fan of Amy Harmon's and her books always seem to impress me. I loved every minute of the story. I can't wait to read the other books that Amy Harmon have written. Overall, an incredible read.

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Review: The Dean

The Dean The Dean by Cassie Mint
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is book 4 of the Teacher's Pet series. This is the final book of the series. This story follows the romance of the Dean of the college that the character go to, James Gibson and his younger Assistant, Charlotte. This is also forbidden because James is Charlotte’s father’s best friend. Charlotte is living in James’s house, while also working as his assistant. She is trying to start her own Pet Photography business. She is sassy, smart, and lovable. James is the Dean of the college that Avery, Paige, and Leona go to. He also falls for Charlotte, who he has not seen since she was 16 years old. I would say that he is possessive, sexy, and charming. Also, I found the epilogue to be the best part. I thought the series was great, and interesting. It was great to see the girls in each story and help their friends out. I got to see the characters again and their moments after graduation in a bonus epilogue, which was also great. Overall, a great read.

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Review: NYPD Red

NYPD Red NYPD Red by Marshall Karp
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book of James Patterson’s NYPD Red Series. I really enjoyed this book. There was crime, mystery and murder. I thought that this was great because of the characters Zachary and Kylie. Also, the fact that the criminals were able to film the murders in a non-tradition way was very interesting and I am enjoying the series. This is like a non-forensic version of Bones because of the way Zachary and Kylie banter with each other. It kind of reminds me of Booth and Brennan whenever they banter with each other. I really enjoyed the bantering as it brought a bit of comedic relief to the story. The ending was great. I can’t wait to see what Book 2 brings. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Life Model

Life Model Life Model by Cassie Mint
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is book 3 of the Teacher's Pet series. This story follows the romance between the art professor, Mason Reeves and the art student, Leona. Leona is an art student and is in love with Mason. She becomes a life model for one of the classes that Mason attends and the attraction grows. I would say that Leona is smart, snarky yet beautiful. Mason Reeves is trying to keep his feelings at bay. He is possessive, smart, and sexy. I thought their romance although it is an insta-love story was great. I thought the story was great, and interesting. I am curious how the rest of the series will turn out. Next up is the story of Charlotte and her love story. The Dean, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Confessions of a Murder Suspect

Confessions of a Murder Suspect Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This is the first book of James Patterson’s Confessions Series. I thought the story was intriguing, but I did feel like the plot went all over the place. I thought the story lacked a bit as there were some parts that I found boring. The characters needed more development as well. I did not love them nor dislike them. I just thought they were okay. The mystery and suspense was good, but I found his adult books more interesting than this one. I hope that the series can continually get more and more interesting and better. I am going to continue with this series. I can’t wait to see what Book 2 brings. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: Texas Ranger

Texas Ranger Texas Ranger by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This was the first book in the Rory Yates series. I really enjoyed getting to know Rory Yates and his crime-solving abilities. In this book, Rory has to figure out who murdered his ex-wife, Anne. The story was great. I really liked the characters. Rory is a dedicated Texas Ranger, and in this book, I felt like I got to understand his character more. Although he is dedicated when it came to his work, he was always away from his marriage to Anne. In this book, he makes some mistakes in his process of figuring out Anne’s killer. However, I thought that made him more relatable because he shows us that although he is emotional, and prone to make bad judgment calls. The other characters were well-written and well-developed as well. This story was fast-paced and filled with all the ingredients of a James Patterson thriller. I can’t wait to continue Rory Yates’s story in Book 2. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Murder, Interrupted

Murder, Interrupted Murder, Interrupted by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. It was interesting to listen to the audiobook. I thought the narrator was really good. I think this is my first time reading a True Crime Novel and it did not disappoint. In this book, there were two different true crime stories.

The first story is Murder, Interrupted. In this story, an unfaithful business man, Frank, plots the murder of his wife, Nancy so that he can be with his mistress. However, his attempts are foiled when Nancy gets brutally shot, but survives leading to an investigation. This story was great. I thought the plot and crime was interesting. The characters were great. The mystery, the fast-paced, and the investigation made this story for me. I give this story a 3.5/5.

The second story is Mother of All Murders. In this story, a teenage girl, Gypsy, exacts revenge on her mother, Dee Dee, after learning that she is not sick after all the years. I thought this story was much better than Murder, Interrupted. The plot of exacting revenge on her mother and disappearing was really interesting. I thought the Dee Dee was well-written and interesting. I really enjoyed this plot. I give this story a 4/5.

This book was great. The mystery, crime, fast-pace we’re great. The story makes me interested in reading the second book in the series. I think this is a great start to a brand new series for me. I can’t wait to see what other true crime stories James Patterson will collaborate with. I give this book a solid 4/5. Overall, a great read.

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Review: The Julian Chapter

The Julian Chapter The Julian Chapter by R.J. Palacio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredible read. After reading Wonder, I wanted to know how The Julian chapter would be like. I have to say I loved it. I would recommend reading The Julian Chapter after Wonder. In this book, we see two sides of Julian. The before side, which is the bully. The after side, which is the vulnerable and more open side of Julian. I thought the journey that he had in this book was necessary and beautiful. I love Grandmere and her story. Learning of how Julian got his name was also very sweet. I love the part when she had like her own precept: Sometime we hate the thing we are afraid of. I think the lesson of this precept is to overcome the things you’re afraid of, so that you do not hate. I love that Julian sees how wrong her was and seemed forgiveness. Also, I love that Auggie forgave him. This shows that people can change for the better. Overall, an amazing read.

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Review: Pluto

Pluto Pluto by R.J. Palacio
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. In this short story, we are introduced to Christopher, Auggie’s best friend. In his POV, we see his and Auggie’s friendship from infancy to the fifth grade. In Chris’s story, we get to see him reconnect with Auggie. I thought Chris was a great character. He learns a lot of important lessons in the story. Good friendships take a little bit of effort. This was the best lesson of all because it showed him that good friends will be there for you no matter what. I love how Auggie helped him understand how to do his homework. I thought the ending was sweet. Overall, a great read.

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Review: 16th Seduction

16th Seduction 16th Seduction by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual Rating: 4.40

This was an interesting read. Every book is getting better and better in my opinion. I really love Lindsay Boxer. She has become one of my favourite heroines. In this book, there are two cases within the storyline. The first one is a new terrorist group called GAR is blowing things up around the world, and the latest attack is on San Francisco. In this attack, 25 people are killed and Joe gets injured trying to save someone. While at the scene, a man confesses that he is responsible for the attack, but later recants his confession. His case goes to trial, where he defends himself and is found not guilty. However, in the end justice was serviced. The second case is people in San Francisco are having sudden heart attacks. The perpetrator is Neddie. He lives in a psychiatric center. I really wonder why the center would give him keys to go in and out of the center anytime he wants without supervision. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it. The series about four best friends, who are more like sisters than friends is the best thing ever. We get to see how they are able to overcome anything because of their friendship. The only thing I am sad about is that Yuki never got to meet Jill. I think if all 5 women were in the series, it would have been even better. I can't wait to read book 16.5, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. The Medical Examiner, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: The Medical Examiner

The Medical Examiner The Medical Examiner by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. In this book, Lindsay and Joe went on vacation. 2 dead bodies are brought into the Medical Examiner’s lab, where one of the bodies is actually not dead. Her name is Joan Murphy, and she does not have any memories about what happened to her or who the man she was with is. Until she hears gun shots, and remembers everything. I thought Joan was a funny yet crazy character. I hope to see her in future books. There was crime, mystery, and some badass moments. I really liked the fast pace of the story, and also the twists that unfold in the series are great. The ending was great, and I didn't expect it at all. This series reminds me of Criminal Minds, but an all-female version of it with their significant others. I can't wait to read book 17, and I am excited to see what the series has in store for me. 17th Suspect, here I come. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Crazy House

Crazy House Crazy House by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book of the Crazy House series. I really enjoyed it. It is the first James Patterson book that deals with this dystopian, sci-fi YA genre. I thought the plot was interesting. In this book, twins Rebecca “Becca” Greenfield and Cassandra “Cassie” Greenfield live in a world where people known as “Outsiders” are taken to prison called the Crazy House. In the Crazy House, the prisons are tested on and based on how they test, they will be treated a certain way. So they could get special treatment, have to fight in a ring, or get executed. I was enjoying every second of this read. I really liked the characters. Becca and Cassie may be complete opposites of each other, but the love and bond between twins is undeniable. Becca is more of the rebellious one. The one who breaks the rules, while Cassie is the studious rule follower. I loved how the other prisoners befriended Becca and became her new “family.” I really liked Vijay, Diego, Robin and Merry. I thought the ending was great, but now I am curious to see what happens next. I can’t wait to read The Fall of Crazy House. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Invisible

Invisible Invisible by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book of the Invisible series. I really enjoyed it. Emmy Dockery is a FBI analyst who is on leave and dealing with the loss of her sister during a house fire. As the house fires continue to add up, she begins to think that these accidental house fires are deliberate murder scenes. Now, she has to convince her coworkers and ex-boyfriend about her theory. They all think she is crazy. However, when she is able to finally find a strong clue, she and the FBI are now on the case. I thought the writing was great. This story is compelling, and engaging. The mystery, crime and suspense make you eager and on the edge of your seat. The characters were well-developed and interesting. I really liked Emmy. I thought she had some qualities similar to Lindsay Boxer from the Women’s Murder Club series. I thought the ending was great, but now I am curious to see what happens next. I didn’t not see it coming. I can’t wait to read Unsolved. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Lost

Lost Lost by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an enjoyable read. This is the first book in the Tom Moon series. The story revolves around Miami detective, Tom Moon, joining the FBI in “Operation Guardian” as its leader, and investigating a deadly crime syndicate in Amsterdam that involves human trafficking and lead by the “Blood Brothers” Roman and Emile Rostoff. As this is a new series, I thought it was a great addition to the James Patterson collection. The story was fast-paced and engaging. I really liked Tom Moon as a character. I thought he was an interesting character to read and learn about in this book. Also, I really liked the plot twists within the book. I hope that there will be more in this series. I would love to see where Tom Moon’s journey goes next. Overall, a great read.

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Review: Ivan

Ivan Ivan by Sophie Lark
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an alright read. This is book one of the Underworld series. The story revolves around the romance between an assassin and a mafia leader. Sloane is an assassin who was offered a job to kill a huge mafia leader. She takes the job because she needs the money. She is witty and without being detected is able to infiltrate his house. When she enters his room, she is caught by the mafia leader, Ivan. He holds her prisoner and then in turn they both fall in love. I thought the story was good at some parts and boring at others. I thought the characters were okay. I did not love them nor dislike them. I just thought they were okay and lacked in development. I wish it was longer to develop the characters more. I thought the final 25% of the book was the best. I thought the ending was good. I will continue with the series. Overall, an okay read.

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Review: 113 Minutes

113 Minutes 113 Minutes by James Patterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Actual Rating: 3.5

This was an interesting read. This is one of the BookShot books that James Patterson writes. The story was enjoyable, yet sometimes a bit confusing. Molly Rourke is a woman who wants to seek revenge after her son, Alex, was sold crystal meth and died. He was fifteen at the time. She creates a plan of revenge against the men who had a role in his death. As stated before, I did like the storyline, but I thought that there were some parts that could have been explained more. Mason was an interesting character. He was beautiful, smart, and just interesting. His interaction with Molly was sweet, but I thought there could have been more of an explanation of how they got together. Also, I thought Molly and her brothers were great characters too. In this book, it demonstrates the undying love a mother has for her child. We should never doubt the love a mother has for a child because as Molly demonstrated in this book, they will do whatever it takes to bring justice to their kids. I thought the ending was sweet, but could have been longer. Overall, a great read.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Review: Curse

Curse Curse by Steven James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. This was the third and final book of the Blur Trilogy. I have got to say that this series was one of the best YA mystery novels that I have read. They were incredible in plot, suspense and mystery. It was an edge of your seat type book because of the plot twists and I am very happy with the series. I think Daniel was a brilliant character. This book made me admire him so much more. Also, I loved the ending. I thought it was very fitting. I can’t wait to read more Steven James books. Overall, an amazing read.

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Monday, May 22, 2023

Review: Fury

Fury Fury by Steven James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazing Read

This was an incredible read. This is the second book of the Blur Trilogy. I felt this story was much better than the first book. There was more suspense, more mystery, and more intriguing. Daniel is a brilliant character. He is smart, athletic, and intriguing. These blurs and sleepwalking makes him more complex. I love how is able to figure out things, and I really love the relationship with his father, friends, and girlfriend. I thought the ending was fantastic. I am really excited to finish the trilogy with Curse. I hope we get to see more of the story with him and his mother as well. Overall, an amazing read.

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Friday, May 19, 2023

Review: Luca: A Brotherhood MC Novel

Luca: A Brotherhood MC Novel Luca: A Brotherhood MC Novel by Jennifer Marcia
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great Read

I received this book from Kindle Unlimited as a request for an honest review
Thank you Jennifer Marcia for the opportunity to review this book. This was an enjoyable read. This is book 1 of the Brotherhood MC series. I thought the story and characters were great. Luca Undertaker Stone is a great character. I thought he was possessive, protective and sexy. He has a lot of pain and PTSD from the things that he went through. However, Honor Williams is my favourite character. She is strong, beautiful and courageous. She is trying to reclaim her life after the things in her past. I love how she wanted to stop thinking of herself as a “victim” and more “badass chick.” I loved the romance and I thought that the ending was great. Overall, a great read.

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